Heroes: Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, Fantastic Four, Sentry, Doctor Strange,
Iron Man, Black Bolt, She Hulk, Doc Samson, Hercules, Amadeus Cho, Namora,
Angel, The Initiative, The Shadow Initiative, Heroes For Hire, Storm, BLack Panther and
Thunderbolt Ross
Antagonist: Hulk and the Warbound: Hiroim, Korg, Elloe Kaifi, Miek,
No-Name the Brood Queen.
Supporting Cast: Rick Jones
Issues Summary:
1 Before arriving to
earth Hulk makes a quick stop on the moon to visit the Inhumans and to punch
the snot out of Black Bolt (he's really an infiltrated Skrull, check out my post on the Secret Invasion) and capture him. Now on Earth Hulk establishes
himself in New York, and he gives a message to the people of the city that they
have 24 hours to abandon the city and bring him the ones responsible for his
exiles or he’ll wreak global havoc on a global scale. Hulk goes toe to toe with
Tony and his Hulk Buster armor and he gets his butt kicked.
Front Line 1, we see how
normal people deal with the occupation of Hulks forces of New York.
Heroes for Hire 11-14; Misty’s
team infiltrates the Warbound ship and get captured. They discover that Meik
and the Brood Queen are up to no good.
2 Hulk and the Warbound square
off against both Avengers lineups and the Fantastic Four; Hulk Captures Mister
Avengers Initiative 4-5,
the Initiative recruits are taken to New York to help the civilian’s escape the
city, but they have a better idea to take Hulk and friends on; they are easily defeated
and captured. The Shadow Initiative has to step in to rescue the recruits.
3 Its Thunderbolts
Ross’s turn to stop Hulk but fails miserably, at the same time Doc Strange
tries to mentally attack Hulk and make Banner come back, but this doesn’t work either.
Front Line 2 the poorest
people of the city are suffering most of the destruction of the city.
4 Hulk vs Doctor
Strange/ZOM, Stephan also loses at the hands of the jade giant.
Front Line 3-5 Anarchy
spreads across the city, almost no heroes are defending the city’s people.
5 Sentry has seen enough
and joins in to stop the Hulk. Hulk defeats the Sentry but reverts back to
Banner and decides that Hulk gone too
far, here’s where Meik revels that he’s the one responsible for the explosion
on Sakaar, so Hulk super flips out killing Meik and loses control over his
powers, Tony intervenes using satellites to leave Banner with no powers.
Hulk’s Clobber list:
Black Bolt (Skrull)
Iron Man
She Hulk
Thunderbolt Ross
Doc Strange/Zom
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The Avengers Tower is
The genesis of the Red
The return of a more old
school Hulk that everyone loves.
Misty’s Heroes for Hire disband.
Death of Humbug.
Hercules gets his own super
awesome series.
The Bad:
Why didn’t Stark use
these satellites to defeat Hulk in the first place?
The Good:
It’s great to see Hulk
punch Tony’s face in.
The Front Line tie ins
do a great job showing how super heroes are super selfish and that they care
more about battling than the collateral damage.
Rating: 7
Hulk (H) Vol.
4 Issue 5
Red Hulk
defeats Thor.
Rating: 8
(H) Issue 6
Hulk defeats
Red Hulk and we discover that Rick Jones is A-bomb.
Rating: 8
Issues 7-8
Green Hulk is in Las Vegas battles a horde of
Windigos, with some help from Moonknight, Ms Marvel and Sentry. But it takes
the surprise appearance from Brother Voodoo to save the day.
She hulk puts together a very large team of female
heroes to take down the Red Hulk, and they think they defeat him, but Rulk is
just playing possum, and at the right moment he kidnaps Thunder to make her a
Rating: 6
Rating: 6
(H) issues 10-12
Grandmaster and the Collector create two teams and make a wager to see who wins,
on one side you have the Defenders and on the other you have the Offenders.
Heroes: Defenders
(Hulk, Namor, Doctor Strange and Silver Suffer)
Villain: Offenders
(Rulk, Tiger Shark, Baron Mordo and Terrax)
10 Grandmaster coerces Hulk into forming a team so
he can engage in a wager with the Collector. Hulk ends up choosing his old team
mates from the defenders, and at the end of the issue we discover that the Collector
has chosen the Red Hulk and has chosen the arch enemies of each Defender and
called them the Offenders.
11 Red Hulk defeats Hulk.
12 Red Hulk goes on defeats each defender, and kill
Psicoman, Terrax, Tiger Shark, Namor and the Grandmaster. Only Galactus is able
to stop Red Hulk’s rampage. The wager is called off because of Grandmaster’s
and Lasting effects:
The Bad:
The Red Hulk is too over to top, too powerful, he actually
kills the Grandmaster
Red Hulk
wants to capture Domino; he thinks that she knows his true identity. So Rulk
creates a task force to capture her, the thing is X-force jumps in to protect
their teammate.
Incredible Hulk (IH) 600
Ben Ulrich
starts to investigate what really happened to the Hulk/Bruce Banner after the
events in New York City, he forms a investigation team with Peter Paker, She Hulk
and Doc Samson, to infiltrate the base where Banner should be. What they find
that it’s an AIM operation with MODOK calling the shots and Doc Samson betrays
them. Red Hulk appears to capture Ben when Spidy comes in to save the good
guys. All hell breaks loose and Green Hulk also wakes and battles Red Hulk, but
in a stunning change of events Rulk absorbs all the gamma energy from Banner
leaving him powerless.
and Lasting effects:
Banner can’t change into Hulk for a long while.
Red Hulk actually gets in trouble with the Intelligencia
for his actions.
H issue 13
Norman Osborne sends Ares to kill Banner. Ares finds Banner’s hide out and
battles A-bomb, but Bruce trick Ares and captures him in a special containment cell
for Hulk.
Hulk issues 14-17

X-force (Wolverine, Domino, X-23, Warpath and Archangel)
Red Hulk’s crew (Electra, Punisher, Deadpool, Thundra, and Crimson Dynamo), Doc
Silver Sable
14 Domino on a stakeout mission accidently
discovers Red Hulk’s identity, she barley escapes Rulk wraith. Rulk creates a
taskforce to find her, the thing that when they do, she has already called up
her buds from X-force to give her a hand.
15 Battle starts between both teams, Wolvy takes
Rulk on and blinds him but when he’s about to finish him a Red She Hulk save
Rulk’s butt.
16 Battle rages on Red She Hulk helps Rulk escape
into the sewers, but it’s a trap his own team puts him down, at the orders of
Doc. Samson.
17 Red Hulk battles Red She Hulk and Thundra who is
loyal to Rulk helps him escapes. Red Hulk catches up with Domino at Silver
Sable’s penthouse, and explains that the whole stake out mission that started
this situation was a set up and that Rulk should find out who’s playing him. (The
Inteligencia is basically screwing him, for over stepping and becoming a
liability to their mission)
and Lasting effects:
Red Hulk actually establishes the ground work for
his future Thunderbolts.
Now we have another mystery ¿Who is Red She Hulk?
The Bad:
The Good:
Red She Hulk
Rulk makes a good team with Electra, Deadpool and Punisher;
they have a good character dynamic.
Rating: 9
Incredible Hulk 601 Banner returns to NY to confront Reed Richards and the
other great marvel minds about some issue, but it just a distraction to steal
Hulk’s sword from World War Hulk. He confronts Skaar that that wants Hulk dead,
but isn’t interested in Killing Banner. So Banner starts to train him for when
the Hulk comes back.
Rating: 7
Incredible Hulk 602 Skaar defeats Juggernaut.
Rating: 7
Incredible Hulk 603 Skaar actually makes friend
with Daken that probably has more daddy issues than he has, but everything goes
south when Daken tries to kill him.
Incredible Hulk 604 Skaar meets the War Bound
Rating 6
The Dark Reign the List Hulk: After battling Victoria Hand and
Moonstone/Ms Marvel, Skaar realizes that Banner has been irradiated and that
Hulk will come back at any moment.
Fall of the
Hulks + World War Hulks
The Leader
and MODOK start kidnapping marvel greats minds for their nefarious planes that
will lead into World War Hulks story line, which basically they try to topple
the US government using a Hulked out army of AIM soldiers.
Heroes: Hulk,
Red Hulk, Skaar, Fantastic Four, X-men, Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, Korg,
Namor, Amadeus Cho, A-bomb, Deadpool
The Intelligencia (Leader, MODOK, Wizard, Mad Thinker, Red Ghost, Red She Hulk,
Doc Samson, Lyra, Klaw, Past Pot Pete)
Supporting: Eternals
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha One-Shot It shows how the
Leader and his villainous allies have been working together for a long time. In
this first issue they steal Cosmic Hulk from the Eternals. And at the end of
the issue shows Leader and MODOK hatching the idea of creating the Red Hulk.
Fall of the Hulks: Gamma One-Shot Red Hulk kills
Thunderbolt Ross.
Savage She Hulk (SSH) 1 Explains how Lyra joins the
Frightful Four.
Hulk (H) 19 Frightful Four attacks the Fantastic
Four, Red Hulk drops in to stop the bad guys
but the Thing thinks that he’s on Frightful’s side, by the time they
stop fighting the Wizard has already kidnapped Mr. Fantastic.
Red Hulk (RH) 1 Rulk and A-bomb go on a mission to
destroy Cosmic Hulk, but Red Hulk accidently activates it. We discover latter
that the Cosmic Hulk is actually a type of herald of Galactus.
RH 2 Banner discovers that Lyra is his daughter. Issue
explores the relationship Red Hulk has with Thundra, and he helps to send her
back to the future.
Incredible Hulk (IH) 606 Cosmic Hulk is used to
kidnap Doc. Doom Banner and Skaar are too late to stop him.
RH 3-4 It’s explained why Red Hulk was sent to kill
the Abomination, so MODOK could create A-bomb. Banner and
Red Hulk feed false info to the Leader.
Right Direction Red She Hulk K.O’s the original She
Hulk, she pretty out of control.
H 20 The X-men go to Wakanda to visit Storm who is
the queen, when all of the sudden her husband Black Panther is kidnapped by the
Red Ghost, the same thing happens again Red Hulk tries to stop the Red Ghost
but the X-men mistaken him for a villain and attack Rulk.
IH 607 Red She Hulk attacks the Mighty Avengers to
Kidnap Henry Pym and she is able to get away with her prize.
World War Hulk One-shot, Issue has six short
stories, nothing really important to the storyline.
IH 608 Banner leads a large group of heroes to
attack the Leader and the Intelligencia. Lyra changes side, she really was a
double agent working for Banner.
H 21 Flash back to how Banner a Red Hulk started to
work together. Now the Rulk enters Leader flying base when he gets clobbered by
the Cosmic Hulk. But Rulk brought a Surprise Deadpool that gets into a fight
with Doc Samson right when Leader unleashes his ultimate weapon Hulking out a
bunch of AIM soldier to attack the US capital, but thanks to Wade they
accidently Hulk out the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and the X-men adding to
the chaos.
H 22 Red Hulk battles the Hulked out heroes but Red
She Hulk defeats him and reveals his true identity, Thunderbolt Ross.
SSH Lyra rescues She Hulk and explains how she
discovered that Banner is her Father.
IH 609 The Leader had Kidnapped all of Marvels greatest
mind to steal their knowledge hooking them up to a machine, Banner that had
been captured and is able to set them free.
H 23 Red
Hulk gets to go for a second round with the Cosmic Hulk and this time he
destroys the Robot. This issue explains how Thunderbolt Ross became Red Hulk
and all of the intrigues the Leader did to keep his identity secret.
SSH All Thee She Hulk join forces to battle the Hulked
out AIM guys.
IH 610 It’s discovered Betty Ross is the Red She
Hulk, in the final battle to defeat the Leader Doc Samson in a change of heart
saves the Day sacrificing himself. This causes the return of Hulk and Skaar is
IH 611 Hulk and Skaar battle, Hulk realizes that
punching your kid to death something pretty messed up and stops. Banner and
Skaar amend their differences.
H 24 Hulk and Red Hulk have their final showdown,
Hulk wins.
and Lasting effects:
We can see Rulk and Wades lasting relationship.
We find out that Thunderbolt Ross is Red Hulk.
Thunderbolt Ross that Died was an LMD controlled by
Betty Ross is the Red She Hulk.
Skaar discover that Lyra is his sister.
Death of Doc Samson.
The Return of the Hulk.
Banner discovers that Lyra is his Daughter.
The Good:
Banner and Red Hulk Team up.
It’s cool to see how the Leader was using Tony
Starks Shield ship from the Initiative.
Deadpool finds his long time friend Bob working for
the Leader.
Hulked out Heroes where fun.
Hulk battle with Skaar is pretty messed up because
Banner dad used to beat him and now he’s doing the same, punching the snot out
of his kid.
It’s cool to discover that MODOK clones himself to
use his brains as hard drives for AIM.
Rating: 9
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