Suicide Squad
So finally got my hand on the Blu Ray of this DC film
to see it for the first time, and to my total surprise it really let me down, I
had seen the animated DC feature had made some time ago that had a kicked ass plot,
while this movies story was totally meh.
I must note I'm not a DC fan but I really want to see their movie universe grow
and I have a soft spot for some of DC's villains, especial anyone from Batman's
Rogue Gallery, because I grew up
watching Batman's Animated series.
So we go with my stupid review and breakdown centring
around the character, and I must note I'm not getting to much into the plot but
there will be spoilers.
Deadshot (Will Smith): Will nails it, I loved
Deadshot, please give me a spin off or
make him appear in the next Bat flick.
The Joker (Jared Leto): Sorry but ¿What the fuck?
Jared actually brings the viewer a interesting take on the Joker, but he's
severally underused in the movie, the character participation is really choppy,
it shows off the mess of the movies
edition. I must not this movie would have been much better if you had the Joker
being the one behind Enchantres going rogue would have been super cool, it would
make more sense because it would force the Squad to act so he could get to
Harley, which je does anyways at the end of the movie.
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie): She is just perfect,
her craziness brings in that unpredictable factor that this character has, but
¿why ditch the mallet for a bat?
Rick Flag ( Joel Kinnaman): Not to interested in
this character but he has a interesting
dynamic with Deadshot.
Amanda Waller (Viola Davis): The way Amanda Waller handles
Enchantress from the start to the end is just lazy writing with too many
holes, the whole crisis was her fault but she is not held accountable for it or
recognizes that this is her blunder and she actually kills her own men, she
does not have any evolution as a character.
Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney): Please give me a
DC/Marvel crossover, Captain Boomerang vs. Deadpool the battle for the unicorn.
![]() |
Please make a DC/Marvel crossover flick Captain Boomerang vs. Deadpool |
El Diablo ( Jay Hernandez): Interesting character
never seen him before, liked his internal conflict and his flaming hulk
god battle was pretty cool.
Killer Croc (Adewale Akkinouye Agbaje): There could
have been more Killer Croc-ing.
Katana: I have her Heroclix , but I know nothing of
the character, I like that she only speaks in Japanese.
Batman: Batman is a dick taking Deadshot down in
front of his daughter.
Enchantress (Cara Delevingne): She like DC version
of Malekith from Thor's dark world, she just wants to destroy everything but we
get very little motivation for what drive the character.
Man the plot starts of
promising and drifts into totally generic.
What the hell happened to the Joker, why did they promote this movie
with this character that has so little screen time, it really feels like a cash
Enchantress in full power mode
becomes a super generic "let's bring the end of the world".
Choppy edition, it's a mess and
the movie has pacing issues, my 10 year super nerd daughter got bored at a
I did like the music, but they
throw to much at you, Guardians of the Galaxy does a much better job at
incorporating pop songs in a sound track than this flick.
Enchantress has freaking generic minions, they never feel like a
threat to the Squad, and is it me or do they look like the putty bad guys from
Power Rangers.
Why do Harley and Deadshot get
two intro in the movie, it doesn't make sense.
The Good:
Loved the characterizations of
the Squad Members.
I did like Jared's Joker
Overall: 5 out of 10