Hi guys so here's my post on my review of the movie of
Doctor Strange, and after that since the
movie is about Marvel's magic I put a top ten of my favorite magic based
characters from their main universe 616, so please enjoy post your views on the
bottom if you wish:
Doctor Strange is a Character that I've always thought
was super cool but personally I never
got into his solo titles for some reason, I'm more into Avengers and Mutants
than magic characters like him or Ghost Rider. The first time I came across
with this character was during the
Infinity Gauntlet crossover when I started to collect comics in the early
90's and he has popped up in the titles that I've collected over the years like in
Spider-man, X-Men and X-Force, but he became a central character in the New
Avengers title during the 2000's, becoming a Avenger and latter it's revealed
that he a Illuminati. So he started to take center stage in the Avengers titles
during the Incursions, Time Runs Out and during the Secret Wars, so Marvel has
really built Strange up over the years.
Danger Spoilers!!!!
Now let's get to the movie I really had no expectations
for the flick, I knew it was a origins story, which didn't bother me (note many
people were bitching about this) and it had some crazy special effects, from
what I saw in trailer.The plot is pretty simple and I'm actually not going to go into because there
isn't much to it, but I'm going to focus more on the characters.
Doctor Stephan Strange
(Benedict Cumberbatch): The
characterization of Doctor Strange is
perfect he's even more of a arrogant A-Hole than Stark is in the movies and comics, but in the
comics and movies Stark has a likable
side to him, while Strange in the comics is emotionally distant most of the time,
so the movie had the make him more likeable because of obvious reasons, you
need for the viewer to have some level of empathy for the main character, and Benedict pulls it off. I
really liked to see how Stephan was
before becoming a hero and his transition.
Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor): They made this
character much more interesting, than he is in the comic, who was super one
dimensional and in the movie he works
great with Strange teaching him to master his skills, they have a interesting
relationship. And I really dig the
direction this character goes in after the movie.
Wong (Benedict Wong): This character was one of the
many pleasant surprises in this flick he isn't Strange's servant, but a
powerful sorcerer himself in charge of safe guarding all the sacred magic
The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton): Debate aside, if it was a right choice or not,
in the election of Swinton for the role, I must say she nails it, she actual
makes the Ancient One really interesting giving this character a lot of depth, she
actually drives the movie pushing Strange
to become the defender of Earth's realm.
Kaecilius (Madds Mikkelsen): I must note I have never seen this villain in a comic before so I don't have any reference of him,
now in this movie he's sort of a
generic marvel movie villain, basically
wanting to destroy the world to bring a
new order, but when you realize what drives him and what is his beef with the
Ancient One things get interesting, you understand why he's pist.
Dormammu:He's in the movie Nuff Said
Supporting Cast:
Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams): She's Stange's love
interest and she plays a interesting
role in the movie, I love the operation seen, wow.
Issue Summary:
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
We get the time gem so we know Strange will cross paths with Thanos somewhere down the line.
Mordo set out to take down the
sorcerers of the world, that bring more harm than good.
Strange seems to team up with
Thor in search for Odin.
The Bad:
Doctor Strange seems to learn
how to use his powers to fast, the movie should have shown at least a one year
later or something like that, which is pretty lazy but helps explain how the hell he
learns so fast and goes toe to toe with such a heavy weight like Kaecilius or Dormammu.
The Good:
Wow great visual and special
Add a new world or dimension to
the MCU.
Tons of Easter eggs
The Cape
Stranges Astral form is pretty cool, and the movie show how useful it is.
Crazy time gem stuff
My Magic based Marvel Characters Top Ten:
Stranges Astral form is pretty cool, and the movie show how useful it is.
Crazy time gem stuff
Overall: 7.25 out of 10
My Magic based Marvel Characters Top Ten:
![]() |
I love that Bike |
10 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) : Here is character that
is super cool but I never but I never got into his solo title, but when I got
into comics back in the late 80's early 90's and it was Danny Ketch as the new
Ghost Rider and he was popping up all over the place, he had some great team
ups with Spidy during the Revenge of the Sinister Six, with Wolverine and
Punisher battling Black Heart and even the X-Men battling the Brood. I always
had more of a fondness for this Rider over the Original Johnny Blaze and I haven't
been able to get my hand on any issues with the new Rider Robbie Reyes.

9 Brother Voodoo: Is a character that I always thought
was super lame, but Marvel progressively in the New Avengers reintroduced him
giving him a new feel and he even became
the Sorcerer Supreme for a time, now Voodoo plays a interesting role in the
Uncanny Avengers.
8 Frankencastel: I Never liked the Punisher in general
I feel that sometimes he sends the wrong message with his whole issue with guns and violence,
but when he was killed by Wolverine's
kid Dakken and brought back from the dead in the form of a Frankenstein with
the help of the magic Blood Stone, it was so stupid it was brilliant, but the best
part of the phase for Castel was his three way battle with Wolverine and
7 Nightmare: Out of
all of Doctor Strange's enemies Nightmare is my favorite and I really
wanted him to be the main villain to the Doc Strange flick, he's a interesting
villain because he puts his adversaries in really dark places making for good
stories, I have Nightmare in a couple of
interesting comics in my collection, like battling Captain America so he can corrupted the American Dream,
tempting Sleepwalker, battling Excalibur... but my favorite story arc with him is
when he tries to stop Hercules's god squad during the secret invasion.
6 The Hood: At first I didn't understand this
character but when Marvel started to build him up into the main villain to the
New Avengers, he became to be like a bad ass Kingpin that had supernatural
powers that wanted to kill Doctor Strange, and as readers we discover that he was a herald of Strange's
arch enemy Dormammu. And I must add that the Hood actually pushes Strange to
the Darker side of magic.
5 Doctor Strange: As I said in the introduction to the
movie even though I like this character I never collected his comics, but I
really liked when he was working with the Illuminati, now during the times
running out Story line he sort of gives into the dark side of magic so he can
save the universe leading the black priests laying to waist other dimensions
trying to stop the incursions that were destroying the multiverse, leading him
to team up with Doctor Doom to defeat the Beyonders and create the battle world
during the Secret Wars.
4 Forge: This character is a mutant that has the
ability to create advanced technology intuitively, but he's also a native American
that was brought up in their mystical heritage and he played a fundamental role
battling the Adversary a mystical being that almost killed X-Men, X-Factor, Freedom Force and Roma.
3 Sleepwalker: This character is pretty obscure, he
came out when I started to collect comics and I always thought he was really
interesting he's a crazy mix of magical and alien, that appeares when his host
body went to sleep. I have a few comic with this character teaming up with
Spidy, battling Ghost Rider and
Nightmare and he pops up in Marvel 2000 era Team up series.
2 Juggernaut: Oh boy he's one of my favorite X
character ever, I like him as much as a villain or a hero, he's a bad ass power
house that is powered by the magic of the Cyttorak gem, he's a avatar of
destruction of the Demon that is imprisoned inside of the gem, and sparks fly when
he clashes with the Hulk.
1 Magik: Is a mutant
that has the ability to create portals and is the sister of the X-Men's
Colossus, she was kidnapped by the demon called Belasco and taken to limbo where
she learned magic and took control of the soul sword, becoming over time a very
powerful sorcerer being tutored by Doctor Strange himself. She has been a part
of the New Mutants and now a day's she's major player in the X-Men creating a
refuge for all mutants in limbo to save them from the M-pox on Earth.