Marvel Now: Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy Titles up to the Secret Wars.
Ok to kick off my post on Marvel Now Avengers and Guardian of the Galaxy issue summaries,
wanted to start the post with a top ten
and in this case it's my top Ten
favorite Marvel Now Avengers:
9 Manifold: The ex Secret
Warrior also becomes a very important member of the team serving as their
transport to one place to another, on a galactic scale, and also he becomes a
important factor in the Universal Collapse.
8 Old Steve Rogers: He's pist
and is hell bent on bring the Illuminates down for leaving him in the dark
about the incursions, and he has a special bone to pick with Tony Stark.
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5 Hyperion: He was pretty under
used during the Avengers now era, but I loved to see him in action with his buddies the Zebra Heads.

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2 Hawkeye: I don't care what
era the Avengers are in Hawkeye is always one of my favorites, even though he
didn't do much during the Marvel now time.
1 Sam Wilson Captain America:
At first I didn't like the change but it won me over pretty quick. I really hope he
can keep the shield for a long while.
Issue Summaries:
Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1: Origins of Starlord
Rating: 6
Guardians of the Galaxy Tomorrows Avengers: Just a
bunch of crappy short stories related to each member of the team.
Rating: 1

New Avengers 1: Black Panther discovers the incursions.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Introduction of Black Swan
New Avengers 02-03: The Illuminati
discover the existence of the incursions and that the multiverse is collapsing.
the team decides to use the infinity gauntlet to stop the next event. Also Beast
is asked to fill in Xavier's place on the team with the mind gem. When they try
to use the Gauntlet to stop the next event but the gems explode and are lost, except
for time gem (this will impact the Original Sin and times running put story
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Captain America is kicked out
of the Illuminati because he's not willing to do what is needed to stop the incursions
and is mind wiped so he can't remember anything of what happened relative to
the incursions.
Iron man creates a new Avengers
Team to keep Captain America busy so he doesn't find out about the incursions.
New Avengers 4-5: New Avengers set out to stop an Incursion and they
cross paths with Terrax.
The Good:
also learn more about the Black Swans.
The Return of the Red Skull
The Red Skull is back and has stolen Xavier's brain to
become one of the greatest threats on earth, good thing there is a joint
Avengers-X-Men team to stop this evil Villain.
Heroes: Uncanny
Villains: Red Skull, S-Men, Avalanche
Issue Summary:
Uncanny Avengers1: Avengers
dealing with the fallout from AVX, create a new Joint Team with the X-Men, while a group of new villain called the S-Men steal
Xavier's dead body.
Uncanny Avengers 2: The Red
Skull actually steals Xavier's brain and implants it in his head to gain his
powers, and tries to manipulate Scarlet Witch to join his cause.
Uncanny Avengers 3-4: Avengers
battle Red Skull, but the villain almost
breaks the team on their first mission.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Red Skull will become the New Onslaught.
The Bad:
· Didn't dig that the Red Skull is just a clone, they could have
brought him back another way not a clone ¿Why?
The Good:
Red Skull takes evil to a whole
over level.
Overall: 10
Avengers 1-3: The Avengers encounter new begins that sought to terraform earth from
mars, team is able to stop these aliens from causing total havoc on Earth
and capture them.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
New lineup and structure, to
the Avengers.
Introduction the Builders leads
to the Infinity crossover.
Introduction of Alphe, Abyss
and Ex Nihilo.
Birth of Nightmask.
Avengers 3: A team of Avengers head to Savage Land to find out what
have the genesis bomb have produced there to discover AIM has arrived there
before them, and the two teams clash, to save the Zebra kids.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Hyperion becomes the guardian
of the Zebra kids.
The Good:
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New Smasher |
We learn more about Hyperion's
origins and we discover why he hates AIM.
Avengers 4: Avengers head to outer space to help the Imperial Guard
stop a masive invasion into their system.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The invaders where actually
escaping from something
The Good:
We learn about the origins of
Smasher and how its tied to when Casandra Nova attacked the X-men a few years
Avengers 05-06: We discover
that something happened to the super flow a place outside of realty that has
destroyed the builders observation stations that where hidden there, affecting Captain
Universe and Nightmask, the last white event has started causing the premature birth of Starbrand.
Avengers 8-9: Birth of Starbrand who battles the Avengers out of
fear of not understanding what had happened to him.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Something happened in the super
flow home of the builders that has destryed everything triggering the birth of
Avengers 10: Alpha Flight head to
one of the sites where one of Ex Nihilo's
bombs crashed and the whole team gets killed, when the Avengers arrive some
crazy stuff starts to happen.
Avengers 11: Shan Chi infiltrates AIM.
New Avengers 6: A incursion started
right over Doom castle with the map makers attacking Doom himself, while the
Illuminati head to the over Earth to blow it up.
Lasting Effects:
This issue sets Doom to battle
the Beyonders.
New Avengers 7: Fallout from the
last incursion: Strange starts heading to the Dark Side, all out war has begun
between Wakanda and Atlantis, Doom wants Reed to spill the beans about the
incursion but he doesn't say anything.
Avengers 12-13: High Evolution takes interest
in the Zebra kids, but the Avengers mop the floor with the villain.
Avengers 8: Thanos's Black order arrives
on Earth.
Uncanny Avengers 5: The Grim Reaper attack the
Avengers, and in the battle Rogue accidently kills him.
Lasting Effect:
Grim Reaper becomes latter a Horse Men of the
Apocalyse Twins.
Uncanny Avenger 6: We discover that many years ago he
battled Apocalypse who was sent by Tut who told had told the mutant that the
god of Thunder would be a strong rival in the future. Odin tells Thor to keep
away from Apocalypse but Loki (really Kang) convinces Odinson to enchant his
Axe to be able to defeat Apocalypse. In round two Thor defeats Apocalypse.
Lasting Effects:
Kang in the present finds Thor forgotten Axe Jarnbjorn.
The Good:
Thor doesn't have the Hammer but a Axe.
Guardians of the Galaxy 1-3
Heroes: Guardians of the Galaxy
Villains: J’son of Spartax (Starlords asshole dad) and
the Badoon
Sporting Cast: Superior Intelligence, Brood Queen, Gladiator,
Annihilus, Freja and Y-Gaaar of the Badoon
Issue Summary:
1 Starlords dad asks him to stop running around the
universe with the Guardians, and take his place in the Spartax government.
Peter turns down his dads offer. The Guardians become the first line of defense
of Earth if attacked by any alien race,
and it doesn’t take too long for the Badoon to test them.
2 The Badoon forces make it to London battling the
Guardians, it seem that J’son is the one that has sent the Badoon to cause all
the trouble, as a trap to capture his son and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
3 Guardians escape Spartax custody and make J’son
look like an idiot.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
J'son will be the teams
principal antagonist.
The Bad:
No Cosmo
The Good:
It’s cool to see Rocket treat Stark like an idiot.
I love to hate J’son
Rating: 7
Avengers 14-15: The Builders bio-machinery set by Ex-Nihilo is set
into motion but because it broken thanks to the Avengers and Star Brand thing
go terribly wrong a message is sent to the Builders, also POD is born.
Avengers 16-17: The Builder are heading to Earth and they are
destroying everything on their way, while the Avengers battle Pod who is trying
the protect the Builders stuff. Pod kick
the Avengers butts but is captured by AIM the traps it in the same place the
found Hyperion.
Henry Pym has broken time/space
continuum in the Age of
Ultron series,and Angela has found her way into Marvel universe by accident, she
clashes with the Guardians.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Angela joins the team and Iron
man leaves.
Starlord has a chat with Thanos
over what has happened with the space/time continuum, the mad Titan warns that
something terrible will be coming to Earth to punish it over almost destroying
realty itself.
The Good:
Who is Angela? This Character is actually from Image,
and she was in Spawn.
What’s the relationship between Starlord and
Thanos? What Happened in the Cancerverse?
Rating: 8
The alien race of called the Builders are hell bent in destroy Earth
and every other civilization on the way, the Avengers head out to space to stop
the chaos of the Builders are causing, while Thanos takes advantage that the
Earth Mightiest heroes have left the planet un guarded to hunt down one of his last offspring to kill him
and all find the infinity gems.
Heroes: Avengers, Inhumans, the Kree, Ronin, J’son,
Guardian of the Galaxy, Sword, Space Knights, Skrulls, Shi’ar, Gladiator,
Annihilation Wave, Captain Universe, Ex Nihillos
Villains: Thanos, Builders, Alphes, Corvus Glaive, Ebony
Maw, Black Dwarf , Super Giant, Proxima Midnight
Sporting Cast: Black Swan, Terrax
Issue Summary:
Infinity 1: Thanos is back and he's
searching for something on Earth related to the Inhumans, also he has created
the Black Order to do his dirty work, while a new alien race called the
builders start making their way to Earth destroying everything in their path.
Avengers 18: The builders easily take
over the Skrulls, the Avengers make their first move to stop them but fail.
New Avengers 9: Thanos sends his Black
Order to take out the Illuminati: Black Dwarf attacks Wakanda, Proxima Midnight
destroys Atlantis, Ebony Maw hijacks Doc Strange Mind and Corvus Glaive and
Super Giant attack the X-Men.
Infinity 2: Corvus Glaive is sent to the
Inhumans asking them for a tribute the death of every Inhuman child between 16
to 20, Blackbolt reveals to the Illuminati that the person that Thanos wants to
kill is his son that is half Inhuman.
Avengers 19: Some Avengers are captured
by the Builders, and J'son of Spartax tries to negotiate with the builders to
stop their rampage but in vain.
New Avengers 10: The Illuminati search
Earth for Thanos's lost Inhuman son.
Infinity: Thanos has arrived in search
for his child but Blackbolt confronts him, while the builders are taking over
the cosmos.
Avengers 20: The Ex Nihilo's change sides
shifting the balance of the conflict.
Infinity : Blackbolt battles Thanos, unwilling to tell him
where is his son and buying time for the escape of the rest of the inhumans to
escape, while Thor tricks one of the Builders and defeats him liberating the
Avengers 21: The alliance of the Avengers with all of
the other Aliens races turn the tide on the builders and start defeating them,
while the Ex Nihilli reawakes Captain Universe that attacks the Builders leader
ship and kills most of them.
Guardians of the Galaxy 8-9:
The Guardians set out to rescue Abigail Brand, who is the Head of Sword and has
been captured by Thanos’s forces. (Note the art in these two issues is
New Avengers 11: Avengers arrive to an incursion
and meet another dimension Builders who are peace full and they explain that
something on Earth is responsible for the destruction of the Universe, while
Thanos finds Terrax and Black Swan who were imprisoned by the illuminati.
Infinity 5 : Avengers defeat the builders and rush
back to Earth to confront Thanos
Avengers 22: Avengers and their alien allies defeat
Thanos forces that have block off access to Earth.
Avengers 23: The fight to reach Earth rages on.
Infinity 6: Avengers battle Thanos, Thane, the mad
Titans son makes his move at freezes Thanos in amber.
New Avengers 12: Black Panthers sister disowns his
brother for working Namor, illuminati have a chat with Black Swan
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Introduction of Thane, and he
heads to out space under the Guidance of Ebony Maw.
This arc sets the Stage for the
creation of Namor’s Cabal.
Inhumans left without Attilan
and must to live amongst, plus new Inhumans popping all over the place thanks
to the Terrigen bomb .
Blackbolt goes into
Wakanda is totally destroyed,
Pather's fall from grace.
Atlantis Also totally destroyed, Namor fall even more from grace.
Atlantis Also totally destroyed, Namor fall even more from grace.
Doctor Strange starst going
down a darker path.
The Builder are the prelude of
the Ivory kings.
The Alphe's kill the Space Knights
The Alphe's kill the Space Knights
The Bad:
The Builders motive is never
well explained what pushed them into destroying their creations.
The Good:
Finally a good Thanos Avenger
battle, because the previous battle in the Avengers Assemble ark sucked.
The Thanos part of the Story
was great.
Story has some relevance
relative to the Secret War
Rating: 7
Guardian of the Galaxy 10: Angela and Gomorra battle the Badoon in
search of Thanos.
Rating: 7
The Watcher is found dead, now the Avengers that have found his body,
so they have to find the killer and find out why the hell the killer
stole his eyes. At the same time you have another
group of heroes, that we’ll call Panther and friends that goes on wild goose
chase across earth, space and magical dimensions finding dead bodies of monsters, demons and aliens, and somehow these killing have something to do
with the watcher killing.
2: Black Panther and friends conclude that who killed these monsters is
the same person that killed the watcher. On the other hand you have Avengers that
find out who stole one of the Watchers eyes thanks to the Mindless Ones, and it’s
Midas the has partnered up with Orb.
5: Here’s where the story stinks, they retell Nick Fury’s origin, and that
before joining shield he hunted monster, demons and aliens in his spare time. I
was really hoping that they were going to bring back Ulysses Bloodstone, he's
sort of marvels monster hunter, but nope it’s Nick Fury, man this guy was freaking
busy. The thing is that he has the other eye.
Punisher has had it with the Thunderbolts when they do
not let him kill a Old School Captain America villain that had caused them
trouble, and leaves the team but when he does it seems that Red Hulk tries to
kill him with a bomb.
New Avengers 16-23: Thing get really nasty in the last incursion, Illuminati actually end up killing another hero team from the other Earth, just pushing them over the edge. And they stop trying to stop the incursions but the world doesn't end, to their surprise. But secretly Namor formed a new team the Cabal with Thanos and friends.
Rating: 9
Red Skull is gearing up to start planetary level mayhem, pitting humans
against mutants and Inhumans, when Magneto arrives to stops him but he ends up
unleashing Onslaught, but when the Avengers and the X-men stop Onslaught, it
only the begging of their perils.
of the Galaxy 12: The trail of Jean Grey starts but J'son from Spartax stops it
explaining to Gladiator that nothing good would come of this. Latter Jean
Lasting Repercussions:
Kitty meets Star lord and it's love on first site.
The Bad:
Story arc makes Gladiator into a top notch A hole.
Guardians of the Galaxy 13: Guardians and X-Men go up against the
Imperial Guard, Gladiator set Jean free.
Lasting Effects: Young Cyclops goes to Space with his dad and the
Star Jammers.
Guardians of the Galaxy 14: Venom joins the Team
Guardian of the Galaxy 15-17: Open season on the Guardians, J’son
put a price on their heads, Gomorra captured by the Badoon, Venom by the Skrulls,
Drax by the Shi’ar, Starlord by his Father, Rocket by the Kree and Groot by the
Brood. Angela saves Gomorra, while
Captain Marvel Starlord, Peter screws his dad over and leaves him without a
thrown, rest of the team is saved, but venom is lost in action.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The birth of the villain Mr.
Rating: 7
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual: a waste of time.
Avengers 26-27: AIM steals DNA from fallen Avengers to
create a next generation of Adaptoids, that are sent to battle other dimensional Evil Avengers. After that the real Avengers try to take down
the Evil Avengers
Lasting Effects:
Adaptoids rebel and head out into the multiverse.
Evil Banner ends up popping up during the Times
Running Out story arc.
Evil Thorr hammer is taken by 616 Thor, and using
it during the Times Running Out arc.
New Avengers 14: We observe how the Map Makers kick a
other Earth's heroes, while Doc Strange is going into the dark side to try to
stop the incurssion.
New Avengers 15: We learn that the Black Swan's are
confronted with the Black Priest.
Avengers 28:
Banner has discovered that the Illuminati have
reformed (check out to Planet Hulk and World
War Hulk story arcs, to see why Banner hates them) and he’s pist confronting Tony, he’s found out what’s
happing with the incursions infiltrating a AIM base, and he realized that Stark
made the New Avengers team in such a way to keep them busy so they can fix
things with the Illuminati.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Banner joins the Illuminati
We Discover the Rogue Super Adptoids that had
escaped AIM become the Map Makers.
The Bad:
Seem to have established that the other dimension
Evil Banner was killed but the writer establishes latter that Steve Roger
had him, sloppy writers.
Evil Thor leaves with his Hammer, but in latter
issue Thor Wields this Hammer to become Thorr.
Rating: 7
Avenger 31.1: Hyperion one shot.

The Avengers, Nova, Black Panther, Ant-man, Emma Frost, Dr. Strange, Punisher,
Winter Soldier, Moon Knight, Gamora, Thing and Rocket Raccoon. I really like
the hero selection for this crossover, especially the non Avenger characters
that are on the wild goose chase.
Villains: Midas, Exterminatrix, Orb and Mindless Ones. These are pretty
obscure characters it was a ballsy move by the writer to use these guys, especial
because of the impact there going to make in Marvel (616). I have only seen
Midas and Exterminatrix once in the early 2000’s in the Marvel Boy miniseries. + Kang
Antagonist: Nick Fury and Nick Fury LMDs. Nick’s interests slam head
first with just about everyone else’s in this crossover.
The Victims: Uatu (The Watcher), you actually feel sorry for the guy.
Issues Summary:
0: Explains the Origin of the Watchers and why they do not intervene.
This particular issue tries to humanize Uatu, make feel bad that he’s going to
1: The Avengers find the corpse of Uatu and some has stolen his eyes. So the Mighty Avengers start the hunt to find
the Watcher murderer and find out why the hell they stole his eyes. At the same
time you have Black Panther, Ant-man, Emma Frost, Dr. Strange, Punisher, Winter
Soldier, Moon Knight and Gamora (Panther and Friends) on a wild goose chase
finding dead monster, aliens and demons all over the place; and who sent them
on this mission?
I Also must add you have a Mindless Ones with existential issues
destroying New York City going head to head against the Thing, the Avengers and
Nick Fury.

3, 4: Orb uses the Watchers eye as a weapon, and unveils some pretty
traumatic secrets especially for Thor, Hulk, Spidy and Cage. Holy Crap Thor has
a sister. While in space Winter Soldier turns on Gamora and Moon Knight abandons
them out there, he tele-transports to earth
finds Nick Fury and cuts his head off and steals the eye that Fury and the Avengers
had just retrieved from kicking Orbs butt. Panther and friends end up on a space
station in hunt for the killer and the find themselves with the real Nick Fury
that is an old man and the Fury that Bucky killed was an LMD.
Guardians of the Galaxy 18-20: We learn how Starlord, Drax and
Thanos survived the cancerverse, while Nova (Richard Rider) sacrificed himself
so they could escape.
Avengers 29-34: Captain America learn of the betrayal of
Tony and the rest of the Illuminati, falling through time into the future
learning what is to become of the Avengers and confronted Kang.

6, 7, 8: shit hits the fan
Repercussion and Lasting effects:
Thor has a Sister.
Thor can’t lift his hammer, which will make possible for a new lady Thor
to take the mantel.
Orb and Fury are the new Watchers ¿?
Bucky is the new monster hunter.
The Avengers are hellbent in capturing the
The Avengers are hellbent in capturing the
bad: No reference to the fact that Nick has run out of his Infinity Formula, and
that he gave his last doses to Bucky to save his life back in Fear Itself
crossover and that’s way he’s old and that Winter Soldier owes him big time.
Good: Fury had become redundant because of his African American son that has
his same name and is working for shield, so this new change is a good idea.
sort of refreshing to see that the avengers are one step behind during the whole
story and that they don’t really save the day, so the story isn’t that
Artwork: Mike Deodato’s art work is just perfect for this story
Rating: 8
Punisher Vs. The Thunderbolts
Heroes: Thunderbolts,
Avengers, Hawkeye, Punisher
Antagonist: Mole
Man's monsters
Villains: The Leader, Doctor Faustus, Crossbones,
Ironmanoger, Zadekiel
Supporting Cast: Shiklah
Issue Summary:
Thunderbolts 27: Punisher
leaves the Thunderbolts when Rulk doesn't let him kill Doctor Faustus, who was
planning to kill the Avengers. But after Frank leaves his apartment explodes apparently
killing him.
Thunderbolts 28: Hawkeye is on
to the Thunderbolts and knows they are up to no good, while Ghost Rider battles
some werewolves to blow off some steam, Deadpool also decides to leave the
team. Now when Hawkeye arrive to Franks exploded house he crosses paths with
Electra who accuses him of killing Castel.
Thunderbolts 29: Punisher survived
and he's pist and he's going to take down the Thunderbolts one by one starting
off with Deadpool and after that he takes out Ghost Rider liberating him of his
Thunderbolts 30: Punisher
battles Electra officially ending their relationship.
Thunderbolts 31: Punisher makes
his own Hulk Buster suit to kill Rulk, but the Avengers stop them from killing
each other, and we discover that the Leader is the one that was behind
Thunderbolts 32: Thunderbolts
and Avengers team up to defeat the Leader.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The end of Rulk's Thunderbolts.
We discover that Electra was present
the Day Punishers family was killed.
Leader end up under Mephisto's
Ghost Rider is cursed again.
of the Galaxy 21-23: Team finds Venom, Symboit hijacks the
ship use almost the whole team as host to return to the Symboit planet,
we learn
much about the origin of these aliens, flash is given a new and better
Symboit. Also Peter Quill is chosen to be the new leader of Spartax.
Rating: 8
New Avengers 16-23: Thing get really nasty in the last incursion, Illuminati actually end up killing another hero team from the other Earth, just pushing them over the edge. And they stop trying to stop the incursions but the world doesn't end, to their surprise. But secretly Namor formed a new team the Cabal with Thanos and friends.
Rating: 9
Uncanny Avengers Annual 1
Mojo has change his focus from the X-Men to the Avengers, using a
group of brain washed monsters with Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider to capture
the heroes, putting them in adolescent bases realty series, heroes and monster
break free from Mojo’s control but Ghost Riders powers go crazy because of the
amount of sins the spineless ones have committed.
Rating: 6
The Apocalypse
Twins make their move to take over the whole time stream and enact vengeance
against their evil Adoptive Father Kang .
Avengers, X-Men, SWORD, Guardians of
Apocalypse Twins, Red Skull, Kang, Marcus, Ahab, Stryfe, Earth X Venom, Doom
2099, Arno Stark, Deathlok Abomination, Blob, Magneto, Pyro, Avalanch
Cast: Kid Apocalypse, Angel, Odin, MLF, Doom, Doc Strange, Immortus
Issue Summary:
Uncanny Avengers 7: The Apocalypse twins make their
move take down Genocide and his Horse men, to become the true heirs of
Apocalypse and kill a Celestial, and to top it they destroy SWORD's space base.
Uncanny Avengers 8: Thor and Sunfire discover that the
Apocalypse Twins are behind the chaos and they have his old axe.
Uncanny Avengers 9: The Apocalypse twins create their
own horsemen: with Grim Reaper, Sentry, Daken and Banshee, while Immortis warns
Captain America what is to come.
Uncanny Avengers 10: The Horsemen defeat the Avengers
and kidnap Scarlet Witch and Wonder man
Uncanny Avenger 11: The Apocalypse Twin start to work
Wanda to their side, while Wolverine battles Daken and gets defeated, Sentry
and Thor.
Uncanny Avengers 12:
Captain America, Wasp and Havok rush to stop the Apocalypse Twins but
are stopped by Banshee.
Uncanny Avenger 13: Avengers defeat Banshee, while
Rogue and Sunfire.
Uncanny Avengers 14: Kang surf the time line to build a
team to stop the Apocalypse Twins, while Scarlet Witch and Wonder man start the
spell to save the mutants. Rogue stops Wanda but Reaper kills Rogue. Wanda
before she dies cast the mega spell to save the mutants from the Judgment of
the Celestials.
Uncanny Avengers 15: Mutants ported away to a arc to be
sent to Planet X, Wasp and Thor go head to head against Sentry, while Cap Tries to take on the Apocalypse Twin alone
but get his butt kicked.
Uncanny Avenger 16-17: Round 2 Thor and Captain America
against the Twins but they fail and can't stop the Celestial from destroying
Uncanny Avengers 18: Mutant have created a civilization
on Planet X, Havok, Wasp and Beast are trying to stop the Eimin, when Kang and
Thor drop in with his little Army of
time displaced villains.
Uncanny Avengers 19: Kang kidnaps Havok's Daughter to
get him to collaborate with him, Thor and crew
set out to take down Eimin.
Uncanny Avengers 20: Kang defeats Eimin, and he sends
the Uncanny Avengers back in time to stop the Apocalypse twins.
Uncanny Avengers 21: Just about every hero is out to
stop the Celestial and the Apocalypse Twins and Sentry surprisingly aids the
Avengers, but Kang betrays the Avengers absorbing all of the celestials powers.
Uncanny Avengers 22: Avenger battle Kang's forces, when
Immortus and his Guardians of Infinity crashes the party siding with the
Avengers, while Havok battles Kang when a super powered Sunfire help defeating
the Conqueror.
Sunfire gets his AOA suit back.
Havok is left broken with the loose of his daughter,
pretty much ending his relationship with Wasp.
Rogue absorbs Wonder man completely, he get stuck in
his mind.
The Bad:
I Wonder Why no one kills Scarlet Witch, she is always
getting her self into cosmic level trouble.
The Good:
Sentry is
totaly hardcore
Wolvy is totaly broken being confronted with Daken who
is his son that he killed.
You actually understand the Twins vengence trip.
Rating: 10
Uncanny Avengers 23: We can observe the fallout from the whole
battle with Kang, Havok is terribly disfigured, Sunfire back in his horse man
body armor, Wonder man is trapped in Rogue and she goes crazy that this has
happened again to her, and clone Red Skull prepares to make his move.
Rating: 7
The Axis

Heroes: Uncanny Avengers, Avengers, X-Men, Magneto,
Deadpool, Loki, Doom, Absorbing man, Carnage, Sabertooth, Hob Goblin, Jack o’
Lantern, Enchantress, Spider-man, Nomad, Quentin Quire, Nova, Hulk, Invisible
Woman, Daredevil, Valeria Richards, Stingray, Shield, Elsa Bloodstone, US
Agent, 3-D man, Phil Coulson, Deadpool
Antagonist: Apocalypse, Iron man, Kluh, Scarlet Witch,
inverted Avengers and Mutants
Villains: Red Skull, S-Men, Ahab, Sentinels, Plant man
Sporting Cast: Jarvis
Issue Summary:
Magneto 9: Magneto has arrived to Genosha, to stop
Red Skull and liberate the mutants and Inhumans that are imprisoned in his
concentration camps for, and battles the S-men and is defeated.
Magneto 10: Red Skull digs deep into Magnetos mind
torturing him making him relive his greatest fears, but is saved at the last
moment by Scarlet Witch, Havok and Rogue.
Uncanny Avengers 24: Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok
were actually captured by the S-Men, Xavier calls out to Rogue giving her the
strength to escape and the help Magneto to escape.
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Uncanny Avengers 25: While the Uncanny Avengers
battle the S-men and Ahab, Magneto battles the Red Skull, and he kills him, accidently
liberating the new Onslaught.
Avenger – X-men Axis:
Axis 1: Heroes confront the newly unleashed Onslaught,
when two super powerful sentinels made by Tony Stark under skulls mental
control drop in and start capturing heroes with incredible ease.
Axis 2: Heroes are just being hammered and being
captured, when Magneto leaves the combat search for help.
Loki: Agent of Asgard 9: Magneto recruits Loki and
Doom to battle Onslaught.
Magneto 11: Mags recruits more a-list villains,
plus Deadpool.
Axis 3: Mags bring reinforcements a league of
a-list villains, the sentinels art not programmed for villains and they defeat
the giant robots, then Doom and Scarlet Witch cast a super spell defeating
onslaught, but little did they know they inverted everyone involved morally
making heroes into villain and vice versa.
Magneto 12: Magneto frees Red Skulls prisoners.
Axis 4: Heroes start acting like villain Iron man
using his extremis app as a type of beauty drug, Apocalypse becomes the new
leader of the X-men, Avengers decide to execute captured Red Skull, Hulk
converts into Kluh, while Jarvis help Skull escapes.
Axis 5: Avengers set out to trap all other heroes,
to find who is the traitor that liberated the Skull, Spidy and Nova get away
and are saved by Magneto who is working with Steve Rogers, While Apocalypse and
his X-men arrive to New York City.
Axis 6: Apocalypse builds his mutant bomb; Tony
creates his new armor and is confronted by Daredevil, while Scarlet Witch set
out to kill Doom.
Avengers World 15-16: Doom creates a team of
Avengers headed by Valeria Richard to help him stop Scarlet Witch.
Amazing X-men: Inverted Mystic confronts inverted
Avengers and X-Men Axis 7: Spidy and Deadpool try
to stop Apocalypse’s mutant bomb, white Loki’s crew battle the mutants. Also we
have Scarlet Witch in Latveria nearly killing Quicksilver and Magneto trying to
get at Doom. Iron man and his Evil Avenger diced to attack the Mutants.
Avengers and X-Men Axis 8: Carnage sacrifices
himself to stop the explosion of Apocalypses bomb; While Evil Mutants battle
Evil Avengers. Doom unleashes his secret weapon on Scarlet Witch Brother Voodoo
turning her back to normal, and Red Skull is White Skull, Xavier has taken
Loki Agent of Asgard 11: Loki and Enchantress as
heroes capture Lorelei and Sigurd who
are causing trouble
Avengers and X-Men Axis 9: Steve Rogers battles
Falcon Captain America to protect the White Skull, while the Evil Avenger
defeat the mutants, and they resume the search for Steve and White Skull, Loki tricks
Thor to follow him to the moon where he lifts Thor’s old Hammer ( since the
original sin) and Clobbers him. Evil Avengers almost capture White Skull when
Apocalypse (now good thanks to Deadpool), Spidy and Sabertooth save him. Doom, Scarlet
Witch and White Skull cast a spell reverting the inversion saving the day
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The return of Scott Lang’s
daughter Cassie.
Brother Voodoo is back.
Sabertooth stay a hero
Havok join Cyclops’s revolution
Tony becomes the Superior Iron
Doom has captured Red Skull.
It seems Magneto my note be the
Father of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
The Bad:
Some really sloppy story
telling at moments to much happening.
Carnage seems to have survived
certain death, making sacrifice worth nothing.
Tony Stark’s sentinels that can
only capture heroes is such a stupid idea, why would he make them for heroes
only and not for villains, or just to capture anything with powers.
The Good:
We get to see more of Magneto’s
past what moves him and what he fears.
Some really cool ideas at
moments. The tie in save the main story at moments.
Apocalypse rocked, tearing
Loki using Thor’s Hammer and
know there to see it was just a fantastic idea.
Deadpool and Tony’s interaction
were pretty funny
Rating: 7
Black Vortex
A Celestial trinket called the Black Vortex has fallen into
the hands of the Evil Mr. Knife he preparing to use it to take over the universe.
Heroes: Guardians of the Galaxy, X-men, Ronin the
Accuser, Gara, Captain Marvel, Nova and Star Jammers
Antagonist: Kree, the Colector and Supreme Intelligence
Villains: Mr. Knife, Slaughter Lords, the Brood, Thane
and Ebony Maw
Sporting Cast: Godhead/ Celestial
Issue Summary:
The Black Vortex Alpha: We discover that a long
time ago the Black Vortex was created by a Celestial called Godhead to jump
start the evolution of race living on a alien planet, which lead its
inhabitants killing themselves off leaving Gara as the only survivor. While in the present Starlord with Shadow Cat steal the Black
Vortex from Mr. Knife to stop his evil plans, sending the Slaughter Lords hot on their tales heading straight on to
clash with the guardians of the Galaxy and the X-men (who were trying to find
the teacher Shadow Cat).
Guardians of the Galaxy 24: Gomora, Angel and Beast, are temped and use
the Vortex on themselves, but by doing
so they became unbalanced and a little power mad.
Legendary Starlord 9: Heroes battle amongst themselves over the
Black Vortex, the cosmic powered heroes take the vortex and make a run for it.
All New X-men 38:
Beast, Angel and Gomora are attacked by the Kree and lose the Vortex. So
the Heroes in search for the Vortex go to Hala causing all kinds of havoc.
All New X-men 39: Cyclops, Groot and Iceman
captured by the Slaughter Lords.
Guardians Team-up 3: Starlord convinces Ronin to use the Vortex to
stop Gomora, Beast and Angel.
Guardians of the Galaxy 25: The Guardians of the
Galaxy with help from Nova are able to steal the Vortex from the Supreme Intelligence,
when Mr. Knife attacks and destroys Hala to find the Vortex.
Nova 28: Nova goes back to Earth but goes back to
space because the Collector comes knocking searching for the Vortex, but
accidently gives it back to Mister Knife, and Thane uses to power up.
Legendary Starlord 10: Mr. Knife uses super Thane
to freeze in amber all of Spartax and unleashes a horde of Brood to infest the
Cyclops 12: Cyclops, Iceman and Groot, escape and power up with Vortex and join in the battle against Mr. Knife.
Captain Marvel 14: Captain Marvel tricks Thane to
freeze Mr. Knife.
Legendary Starlord 11/Black Vortex Omega: Kitty
Pryde powers up and using her phasing powers to save Spartax and stop the Brood
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Powered up heroes |
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Destruction of Hala.
Starlord proposes marriage to
Shadow Cat.
Angel and Gamora stay cosmic
and seemingly Ronin and Thane too.
Iceman, Beast and Groot have
change in their look, when they cosmic depower.
Cosmic Beast discover that time
and space and time are broken and he can't send the young X-men back. (ties
into the incursions).
Young Cyclops returns to the
The Bad:
The story behind the Black
Vortex just falls flat, it promises a lot but goes nowhere we really don't
learn nothing new about the celestials.
The way Thane is manipulated is to obvious.
The new character Gara sucks,
and she take so much trouble to find the
Black Vortex to do nothing.
It stupid how Nova accidently
give the Vortex to Mr.Knife
The Good:
Mr. Knife is cool as hell, a
very inteligent evolution of Starlord's dad the deposed leader of Spartax
Cool to see cosmic versions of
the Guardians and the X-men.
Great action.
Rating: 6
Rage of Ultron
Ultron is back from his exile in space and he has infected the whole
planet of Titan and has brought it
to Earth to do the same, luckily the Avenger
stop him but at a terrible price. ( Note this story was released when
the movie Age of Ultron can out, it would have been 1000 time more
cooler if that movie woud haved this story line than the one they used)
Heroes: Uncanny Avengers and Starfox/Eros
Villains: Ultron, the Decedents and AIM
Sporting Cast: Titans and Mentor
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Pym and Ultron are one.
The Bad:
Why didn't this Ultron die from
the hidden program that Pym installed in his software like the other Ultron?
The Good:
Its the definitive Ultron
The dynamic between Pym, Vision
and Ultron, is fantastic.
Interesting evolution of Pym
through the issue.
Rating: 10
Uncanny Avengers 1-5
Scarlet and Quicksilver head to counter earth to find out who is
their daddy, wanting to talk to the High Evolutionary ¿Is he their true father?.
Who isn't too happy to find the Avengers have contaminated his experiment.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Wonder man persona is lost from
Rogues head.
The Bad:
It's not answered by the high
Evo. who is their father, at least he isn't. Note why did marvel have to make
it that Magneto isn't their father it just does make sense what a stupid move.
Vision meets a lady robot and
just forget about his teammate most of the story.
HIgh Evo presents his duaghter
that is made of genetic matrial and has the same powers as Scarlet and Silver,
I didn't catch her name but I'm not going to read this arc again.
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Times up
The multiverse is totally collapsing, who is behind this? can it be
Note, this ark transpires 8 months after the Axis.
Heroes: Avengers, Shield, the Illuminati, Ex Nihilo,
Starbrand, Nightmask, POD, Doctor Strange, AIM, Mighty Avengers, Guadians of the Galaxy
Antagonist: Imperial Guard, Black Priests
Villains: Alphes, Beyonders, The Cabal/Conclave
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
Avengers 35: New status Quo:
The Ex Nihilos are out to save universe, Cannonball, Sunspot, Smasher and
Manifold have established themselves with the Shi'ar, Nightmask and Starbrand
battling the last Alphe's, while Thor
and Hyperion are in Savage Land and finally we have Shield hunting Amadeus Cho
to help them find the Illuminati.
Avengers 36: Thor, Hyperion, Starbrand and Ex Nihilo
volunteer to go to the end of the universe to stop the collapse of the
New Avengers 24: Shield hot on
the Illuminati trail, Steve Roger has made it personal.
New Avengers 25: Namor asks
Doom for help to stop the incursion and control the Cabal, but Doom refuses,
but really secretly is working on the issue with Molecule Man.
New Avengers 26: Illuminati on
the run, Panther joins them.
New Avenger 27: Tony has been
imprisoned by the Cabal, is found by Spider woman and Black Widow but leave him
in his cell for being such a dip stick
with Cap. and the Incursions.
Avengers 38: Beast explains to
Cyclops what going down, Scott reveals that he has a Phoenix egg in his power.
Avengers 39: Thor leads the Ex
Nihilo's to battle the Black Priest that seem to be part of the multiverse collapse,
but to their shock they discover that they are under the control of Doctor
Strange, while Doom jumps into the multiverse for answers.
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Avenger 40: Roger, the Avengers
and Shield locates the Illuminati and battle, until Sunspot arrives with more
Avengers and all hell breaks loss.
New Avenger 27: Invisible woman
stops the battle, heads cool and they start focusing on the collapse of the
New Avengers 28: Heroes try and
stop the next incursion and stop the Cabal from escaping that planet.
New Avengers 29: Reed explains
to Rogers that they have tried everything and they can't stop the incursions,
then PYM arrive with a shocking revelation, the Beyonders are the ones behind the Collapse.
New Avengers 30: The Beyonders are destroying the multiverse
and killing off the abstracts, even killing the Living Tribunal.
Avengers 41: The Conclave ends
up in the Ultimate Universe and meet Ultimate Reed, while Gladiator decide to attack earth with every alien race
to stop the universal collapse.
Avengers 42: The Illuminati use the body of the Living
Tribunal to creat the universal life
boat to save as many posible from the
Avengers 43: Ironman make his move to save Earth.
New Avengers 31: Doctor Strange
with his Black Priest attack the Black Swans, discovering that Rabum Alal is
New Avengers 32: The Ex Nihilo, Thor, Hyperion and
Starbrand make a last stand against the Beyonders, but all get killed.
New Avengers 33: We discover
how Doom Rabum Alal, and why of the universal collapse and he was trying to
stop it using the Black Swans as his heralds.
Avengers 44: Heroes stops the
alien attack while Captain America battles Ironman for keeping him in the dark with his activities with the illuminates, when
the Ultimate Universe attacks Marvel 616
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Dooms actions lead to him
becoming god Doom in the secret Wars.
The Bad:
The Good:
Great to bring closure to the
whole collapse of the multiverse and the incursions.
We learn more about the builders.
Molecule turns out to be really
important, he's some kind of universal trigger of the collapse.
We finally discover who's Rabum Alal, and its DOOM, holy cow!
We discovers that Smasher is
the granddaughter of Captain Terror.
Hammerless Thor rocks, but he
has that evil doppelganger Thorr Hammer for back up.
The Black Priest preemptively
destroy realities trying to stop the Collapse
Steve Rogers uses that other dimensional
evil Hulk Against the Illuminati.
Panther takes vengeance on
The Ivory Kings are the
Panther has to deal with the
total destruction of Wakanda again.
I love Thor's and Hyperion's last stand against the Beyonders was fantastic.
I love Thor's and Hyperion's last stand against the Beyonders was fantastic.
Rating: 10