Thanos the Mad Titan is one of my all time favorite villains, the Infinity Guanltel crossover was one of the first major arks that I've ever collected and I was fascinated by this super powerful purple dude with a funky chin, so today I bring you guys my Top Ten Thanos Rogue Gallery:
10:Blackbolt, to my knowledge has clashed with Thanos only once, and it was during the Infinity crossover, and it was epic, the Inhuman blasted the Titan with all he had destroying Attilan itself.
9:The Starlord's Guardians of the Galaxy, have clashed with Thanos on couple occasions, but there are two times that I remember the most, one was during the Thanos Imperative and the other when Thanos makes his big come back in the Avengers Assemble series, both times the heroes were able to defeat the Titan, but with a lot of help.
8: Nebula, is Thanos's granddaughter that had hijack his old ship, so when Thanos came back from the dead he made her pay for her travesty, Thanos almost killed her and latter during the Infinity Gauntlet he tortured her just for the fun, but she turned the tables on her granddad when she was able to steal the Gauntlet from him and become a god.
7: Doom, Now these two haven't crossed paths to many time, I can remember the first time was during the Infinity Gauntlet where Thanos just blasted him away, but the second time was breath taking during the Secret War, when god Doom went all mortal Kombat on the Titan and ripped his spine out.
6: Starlord/Nova: Thanos and Peter Quill had a weird relationship and a dark secret after the Thanos Imperative ¿What happened to Nova? that had disappeared after the crossover, and we discover in the Original Sin ark that at the end of the Thanos Imperative there was a epic battle between Starlord, Drax and Nova against Thanos,that lead to Nova to sacrificing himself to stop Thanos and get his friend out of the Cancerverse, but Thanos manage to escape with them.
5: Silver Surfer, I have in my collection three comics where Thanos basically defeats Silver Surfer mentally or Physically, and the Titan just love to mess with Radd head to show how weak he really is.
3: The Avengers have been a pain in the butt for Thanos for a long time, be it during the Avengers Assemble ark or during Infinity, but it was super cool to see Thanos easily defeated Earths Mightiest Heroes during the Infinity Gauntlet, but my favorite battle was when in Thanos battle the Cancer-verse Avengers.
2: Drax has been specifically created to kill Thanos and he actually has done that a couple of times but my favorite was the time was when he rips his heart out during the Annihilation arc.
1: Deadpool: now this is one of Marvel's most interesting rivalries, Death is in love with Wade and Thanos out of Jealousy curses Pool to never to be able to die, but recently they clashed and teamed up in Deadpool vs. Thanos.
Cosmic level Classic Crossovers
Contest of
This is probably one of Marvel first major crossovers,
and in this story arc one of the Elders of the Universe the Grandmaster makes a wager with Death to bring back another
Elder the Collector back from the dead, so both chose their champions and forming
teams to battle in a tournament for the
grand prize.
Heroes: Avengers, the Red Guard, the Fantastic Four,
X-Men, Alpha Flight, Iron Fist, Cage, Spider-man, West Coast Avengers, Daredevil,
Sunfire, West Coast Avengers, Silver Surfer, Wolverine, Black Panther, Silver
Antagonist: Grand
Master, Death, Collector, Swordsman, Bucky, Captain Marvel, Drax
Villains: Red Ghoast, Dracula, Blackknight,
Executioner, Terrax, Baron Blood, Hypirion, Green Gobline, Korvac
Sporting Cast: Spider-man,
Dazzler, Hellcat, Kazar, She Devil, Doc Strange, Spider-Woman, X-51, Jack of
Hearts, Quasar, Eternals, Doctor Samson, Thor, Inhumans, Stingray, Hellstorm
Issue Summary:
Part I:
1 Almost every hero on Earth has been teleported to
a secret location and they are informed
by the Grandmaster that they will be part of some kind of intergalactic
competition and they will be divided into teams having to compete in this tournament,
he lead one group and the Unknown (who turns out to be Death) leads the other .
2 Grand Master team: Talisman, Darkstar and
Daredevil vs. Unknown/Death team: Grand Master team wins, with DD's super sense
his team gets the upper hand.
3 Unknown's Team: Iron Man, Arabian Knight and Sabra vs. Grand Master's team Defensor,
Captain Britain and She Hulk. Team Unknown's wins thanks to luck.
4 Team Unknown: Vanguard, Angel and Black Panther
vs Team Grandmaster: Wolverine, the Thing and Le Peregrine, the Grand Mater's
team comes out on top right before Wolverine almost kills Black Panther.
5 Team Grand Master: Captain America, Sasquatch and
Blitzkrieg vs Team Unknown: Storm, Shamrock and Collective Man. And thanks
Shamrocks luck leads to her team's to victory. Out of a mistake by the writer its established
that Grandmaster's wins the wager, and he takes as a prize he make Death bring Collector
another elder back to life.
Part II:
Avengers Annual 16:
Both Avengers Teams are obligated
into a second part of the Contest of Champions by the Grand Master who has been
planning to make his move from the realm of the dead and take over the realm.
Now both Avengers teams East Coast and West Coast have to go head to head:
§ Captain
Marvel vs. Iron Man: Iron Man (West) Wins
§ Captain
America vs. Mockingbird: Captain America (East) Wins
§ Wasp vs Pym:
Pym (West) Wins
§ Thor vs
Wonder man: Thor (East) Wins
§ Doctor
Druid vs Tigra: Doc. Druid (East) Wins
§ Black Knight
vs Moonknight: Moonknight (West) Wins
§ She Hulk vs
Hawkeye: Hawkeye ( West) Wins
Grand Master wins his wager against death again a
captures her and takes over her realm.
West Coast Avengers Annual 2: Grand Master scatters
five bombs that will cause havoc in the universe making the Avengers have to
battle against his new champions from the realm of the dead in another wager
against Death. The Avengers stop the
Master's plan with Hawkeye finally out smarting him to finish the whole cosmic
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
The Bad:
Defensor a new character presented in this crossover is something like
Captain Spain jjajajaja, I only saw this guy once out of this arc as a member
of the Initiative in Marvel Zombie 3 and he gets killed on the fourth page.
Talismam another new character that I've never seen him again, but probably is inspiration for the
X-men Gateway.
Other new characters like Peregrine, Shamrock and Blitzkrieg are pretty
much forgotten, I think they popped up in Alpha Flight once.
A funny fact is that Death and Grandmaster tie in
the story, but the writers make a mistake and Establishes that Granmaster wins.
The Good:
We get our first Iron Fist and Daredevil encounter.
Old School Captain Britain
Collective man is presented in this crossover and
we get to see him on a few occasions in deferent comic books over the years.
Introduction of Death as a character.
We get see
Sabra here and there in the Marvel universe over time.
Rating: 7
Secret Wars
A Mysterious being called the Beyonder who has
kidnapped many of Earths greatest Heroes and Villains, to battle on world made
by this colossally powerful being, and give the victor whatever his heart
Heroes: Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-men, Spider-man,
Hulk, Iron man (Rhody)
Antagonist: Beyonder, Galactus, Magneto
Villains: Doom, Wrecking Crew, Ultron, Doc Ock,
Lizard, Kang, Enchantres, Molecule Man, Absorbing Man, Titania, Klaw
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
1 The Beyonder creates a battle
world for Earth's heroes and Villain compete in some crazy social experiment, and
Galactus tries to engage the Beyonder to
cure his hunger, but the Beyonder just
knocks him out of the sky.
2 The Villains waste no time to
attack the heroes to be able to claim the prize promised by the Beyonder, while
Doom goes off to find what he can find
on this world finding a cool technological evil base. And Magneto goes off to
do his own thing, but before he does he kidnaps Wasp for company.
3 X-Men decide to allie
themselves with Magneto, while Doom using alien tec creates two new villains
Titania and Volcana, to battle and defeat the heroes. (it seems that a part of
battle world is from Earth so there are some humans on the planet).
4 Doom and his minions attack
the heroes and put them on the run and make Molecule man drop a mountain on
them. While the X-Men team up with Magneto.
5 Galactus calls in his ship to
feed off the planet, and the heroes try to stop him when the villains arrive to
get in the way, while Doom sneaks into Galactis's ship to see if he can find
something to give him an upper hand.
6 Doom discover Klaw hiding out
in Galactus's ship, While the X-Men attack the villains.
7 The heroes meet the new
Spider-Woman that's wondering around battle world, and villains clobber the
8 Round 2 goes to the heroes
and Spidy gets his Black Custom.
9 Galactus is ready for lunch
the heroes try to stop him.
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10 Galactus in a guilt trip
instead of eating the Battle world he consumes his ship, but Doom actually
steals Galactus's lunch, and Doom becomes super powerful.
11-12 Heroes battle god Doom but he can't deal with his power and
ends up letting up go.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Spidy gets his black suit.
Introduction of the new
Thing goes off into space.
Introduction of Titania and
Thing's power are going crazy.
She Hulk joins the Fantastic
Secret War two will come around
in couple of years.
The Good:
Interesting to see how the
Avenger and the X-Men have issues already back in the day.
The Beyonder actually considers
Magneto to be a hero.
The Silver Surfer 34: The Surfer presences the rebirth
of Thanos.
The Silver Surfer 35: Thanos make his case that there
is an imbalance in the Universe to the Surfer, that there is too much life in the cosmos and he
has to bring balance.
Lasting Effects: The rebirth of Thanos causes Kronos
to bring Drax back from the dead.
The Silver Surfer 36: Surfer goes to the Avengers to
find more info on Thanos, and also crosses paths with Impossible Man.
The Silver Surfer 37: Surfer heads to Titan Thanos's
home planet and has a run in with Drax.
The Silver Surfer 38: Thanos take back his ship from
Nebula and tricks Surfer to think that
he has killed him. Leaving Thanos free to start his quest.
Silver Surfer 50: Thanos plays with Surfer mind pretty
much breaking him.
The good: We learn more about the Surfers origins and
drive him.
The Infinity Gauntlet
Thanos finally has put together the Infinity Gem and
has the absolute power of the Universe, but he can't win over the heart of Mistress Death yet so in a grand gesture he kill half
of the population of the Universe.
Heroes: Avengers,
X-Men, Hulk, Spider-man, Cyclops, Namor, She Hulk, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock,
Drax, Pip Troll, Cloak, Galactus, Doctor Strange, Doctor Doom, , Namoreta,
Thor, Black Widow, Quasar, Epoch, Celestials, Stranger, Chaos, Order, Kronos,
Love, Hate
Antagonist: Death
Villains: Thanos, Mephisto, Nebula
Sporting Cast: Starfox,
Wong, Inhumans, Odin, the Sky Fathers, Nick Fury, Shield, Moonknight, Living
Issue Summary:
1 Silver Surfer arrive on Earth to warn Doctor
Strange that Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet, while Thanos kills half of the
universe as a gift to Death and kidnaps Starfox to torture him just for fun.
Silver Surfer 52: Drax flips out when he finds out that Thanos is back.
Silver Surfer 52: Drax flips out when he finds out that Thanos is back.
2 All hell breaks loose on Earth, while a unknown
entity tries to communicate with Doctor Strange that turns out to be Adam
Warlock that has reborn to stop the mad Titan, while Earth is literally falling
apart it heroes are stretched to the limits, the Sky Father with Odin are
trapped on Asgard and blocked out from entering the main 616 realty.
The Incredible Hulk 385: In hell
breaks loose in the streets of New York, Hulk tries to stops things before they
get out of hand.
3 Adam Warlock with Doctor Strange start to create
the force that will try to stop Thanos, with almost every surviving heroe. then
Warlock set out to persuade Marvel Abstract gods to confront Thanos. Now since
Death doesn't fall into Thanos's arms so he creates Terraxia as his new
Silver Surfer 54: Surfer Battles Rhino, but they end up being friends helping the animals in a Zoo.
4 Instead of just vanishing the heroes from
existence when they attack, Mephisto convinces Thanos to battle them to impress
Death, and he defeat every hero and Silver Surfer fails to steal the Gauntlet,
in a last ditch effort to stop the mad titan.
5 Thanos defeats the abstracts and even Death turns
on him, but Thanos grows careless in the battle and Nebula steals the Gauntlet.
Silver Surfer 55: Thanos kill
Warlock and shows the Surfer what he has planned for existence.
Silver Surfer 59: Thanos battles the Surfer to iron
out their deferens's gearing up for their battle with Nebula.
6 Thanos actually joins the heroes to stop Nebula,
even though she resets realty undoing all the deaths but does not give up the
power, Adam Warlock actually enters the soul Gem his old home and hijacks the Gauntlet,
becoming it new owner
Characters killed by Thanos:
Hawkeye, Sersi, Mentor, Gomorra, Archangel, Beast, Black
cat, Black Panther, Box, Dagger, Daredevil, Diamond Lil, Firestar, Guardian, Hercules,
Human Torch, Iceman, Invisible Woman, Makkari, Marvel Boy, Marvel Girl , Mr.
Fantastic, Night Thrasher, Northstar, Power man, Puck, Quicksilver, Sasquatch, Shaman,
Thing, Usagent, Vindibcator, Wasp, Windshear, She Hulk, Namor, Wolverine, Cyclops,
Vision, Scarlet Witch, Cloak, Thor. Nova, Iron man, Quasar
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Returne of Adam Worlock, Pip
Troll, Gomorra
The Birth of the Infinity Watch
The Infinity War isn't far off.
The Good:
Interesting participation of the Abstract entities
of Marvel Universe.
The Celestial actual shoot planets at Thanos.
Rating: 10
Warlock and the Infinity Watch 1: The abstracts
of the Universe do not allow Adam to keep the Infinity gem together, but the
Living Tribunal lets him become the caretaker of the Gauntlet.
Warlock and the Infinity Watch 3: Warlock has a reunion with the
High Evolutionary.
Silver Surfer 64: Reptile is back.
Infinity War
Magus is back and he's has hatched a master plan to get his hand on
the Infinity Gauntlet and take over the Universe.
Heroes: Avengers East and West, X-Men,
X-Factor, Alpha Flight, New Warriors, Hulk, Spider-man, Infinity Watch, Doc
Strange, Galactus, Nova II, Thanos, Doom, Kang
Villains: Magus, Doppelgangers
Issue Summary:
· 1: Thanos is pulled out of
his villain retirement when some odd cosmic event attracts his attention,
while Galactus discovers that someone or
something has left Eternity catatonic and on Earth it heroes are being attacked
by evil Doppolgangers. Thanos discovers that Magus Warlock's evil other self is
the one behind everything.
· 2: Reed Richards that has
been possed by his Doppeganger, and makes most of Marvel heroes together to
adress the cosmic crissis when Wolvy arrives and realizes that has doppel
stinch all over and a gianomis battle explodes when evil Reed sets off a
gamma bomb, while Thanos head to talk to the Infinity Watch about the need to stop Magus.
· Moonknight 41: During the super hero battle Moonknight protects
Franklin Richards from the Doppelgangers.
· 3: Thor and Sue Richards save the heroes from the explosion, Magus
tries to take out galactus and frames the Infinity Watch leading to the heroes
to battle them.
· 4: The Doppelgangers attack the heros that stayed on Earth while the
rest battle the Infinity Watch but are
stopped by Galactus. Warlock put the Guanlet together to battle Magus, but is
kidnapped by Magus stealing the Guantlet.
Warlock and The Infinity Watch 10: Thanos kills his other self
· 6: Thanos free Warlock,
Warock battle Magus and deafeats him.
and Lasting effects:
Spidy's Doppelganger hangs around after this crossover,
even playing a role during Maximum Carnage.
The Bad:
Magus look like he jumped out of the old school He-man

Marvel vs. DC
This crossovers plot really impossible to summarize
because there isn't any in the first place, jajajaja, but it's fun to watch our
favorite character punch it out.
Heroes: Captain
America, Barman, Superman ,Spider-man, Superboy, Silver Surfer, Green Lantern,
Captain Marvel (Shazam), Wolverine, Thor, Lobo, Wonder Woman, Namor, Aqua Man,
Storm, Access, Nightwing, Spector,
Living Tribunal, Robin, Jubilee, Captain Marvel , Iron Man, Steel, Hawkeye,
Green Arrow, Black Widow, Doom...
Antagonist: the
Inter-dimensional dudes
Villains: Thanos,
Darkseid, Bane, Killer Croc, Lizard, Kingpin
Supporting Cast: Louis Lane, JJ Jameson
Issue Summary:
2: We learn that two inter-dimensional
beings set up a contest with the greatest heroes of their respective universes,
pitting the Marvel heroes vs. the DC's defenders, both universe converge
setting the stage for the titanic battles.
3: Both universe were fused in
to one called the Amalgama.
4: The Marvel and DC heroes
join force to stop the feuding brothers saving both universes.
Wolverine vs. Killer Croc:
Wolverine (off panel)
Captain America vs. Bane: Cap A
Gambit vs. Nightwing: No out come
Captain Marvel vs. Captain
Marvel: Thor
Spidy vs. Scarecrow and
Scarecrow: Spidy
Namor vs. Aquaman: Aquaman
Quicksilver vs. Flash: Flash
Jubalee vs. Robin: Robin
Silver Surfer vs. Green Lanter:
Silver Surfer
Electra vs. Cat Woman: Electra
Wolverine vs. Lobo: Wolverine
Spidy (Ben Reilly) vs. Superboy:
Hulk vs. Superman: Super man
Captain America vs. Batman:
Superman Hulk vs. Mole Man:
Super Boy vs. Kingpin: Super
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Birth of Access that has to
care taker of both universes.
The Bad:
Note not much is written
summaries because there isn't not much of a story if any, but it's great fun
The Good:
Amalgama universe was sort of
cool, some of the character fusing kicked ass.
Contest of Champions II

Heroes: Iron
Man, Psylocke, X-Force, Deadpool, Wolverine, Hawkeye, Thor, Storm, Human Torch,
She Hulk, Hulk, Mr. Fantastic, Shadow Cat, Spider Woman, Cable, Scarlet Witch,
Spider-Man, Beast, Luke Cage, Wasp, Colossus, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Firestar,
Phoenix, Justice, Gambit, Quicksilver, Black Panther, New Warriors, Black
Widow, Wonder Man, Invisible Woman, Warbird (Captain Marvel), Slingers,
Generation X
Villains: The
Brood, Badoon
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
1: Iron Man and Human Torch
have a spat with Rogue who has messed with a military exercise when they are
ported away to a alien location and forced to battle each other in a tournament,
with Iron Man battling Psylocke in the first match. Tony notices nanites all
over the place maybe affecting the heroes making them willing to fight, so the
organizer of the contest notices that Tony knows that something is wrong and puts Stark against X-Force to take him out of
the equation.
2: The Tournament rages on while Stark is sent
to a alien place that has pretty hostile wild life, and joins forces with
Psylocke that also has been banished there too, while Shadow Cat that has
fallen sick knows the one responsible for their kidnapping.
3: In a
battle with Scarlet Witch, Cable discovers that the contest is a trick, while
Rosetta and Lockdown arrive to the bad lands to help the heroes saving Spider
Woman, joining forces with Iron Man and Psylocke, they discover that the Brood
are behind everything and that they are
in a Acanti. The Brood want the heroes as host.
4: The fallen heroes battle the
Brood while the Brood Queen take Rogue as her host.
5: The Brood Queen steals the
winner of the contest, the rest of the heroes join forces to stop the alien.
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Iron Man vs. Psylocke: IM wins
Iron Man vs. X-Force: XF wins
Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin)
vs. Human Torch: HT wins
Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic: HK wins
Human Torch vs. She Hulk: HT
Human Torch vs. Storm: STM wins
Scarlet Witch vs. Cable: SW
Slinger vs. New Warrior: NW
Wolverine vs. Hercules: WV wins
Spider-Man vs. Beast: SM wins
Domino vs. Luke Cage: DM wins
Hawkeye vs. Wasp: WP wins
Colossus vs. Iron Fist: IF wins
Daredevil vs. Firestar: DD wins
Justice vs. Phoenix: PX wins
Gambit vs. Quicksilver: GM wins
Black Panther vs. New Warriors:
BP wins
Black Widow vs. Wonder Man: BW
Deadpool vs. Generation X: DP
Storm vs. Thor: TR wins
Daredevil vs. Deadpool: DP wins
Black Widow vs. Thor: TR wins
Phoenix vs. Thing: PX wins
Hulk vs. Deadpool: HK wins
Spider-Man vs. Domino: SM
Black Panther vs. Captain
America: CA wins
Wolverine vs. Gambit: GM wins
Hawkeye vs. Gambit: GM wins
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Introduction of Rosetta and
Lockdown two characters that have been completely forgotten, I think they appeared
in a couple of Fantastic Four issues
The Bad:
The Good:
A fun but stupid crossover.
The Good:
It cool that we learn that Magus is actually the
expelled Evil from Worlock from when he had the Gauntlet, note he also expelled
the good from himself too.
Infinity Crusade:
Avenger West Coast: Avengers battling Power Platoon when they stop attacking and just leave.
Silver Surfer 100:Surfer battles Mephisto to recuperate his lost soul.