10 Stature: She's Scott Lang's daughter, and I always loved this character because she was one of the driving forces to the Young Avengers.
9 Wasp: She's a classic Avenger, but I feel that Marvel never has been able to tap into her true potential as a character, I loved her time on the Uncanny Avengers, where she started to have a relationship with Havok.
8 Giant Man: This version of Pym has been off and on, the Avengers roosters over the years normally filling in when there is a need for a big gun type of character, but I liked Giant Man in Avengers Academy the most, when he was a very very irresposible headmaster of a school.
7 Black Ant: Eric O'Grady was the third Ant-man, and he was moral pretty questionable but his time this the Thunderbolts lead him to really want to be a hero, but on a mission with the Secret Avengers lead him to be converted into the Black Ant, joining the forces of evil.
6 Ant-Man Pym: Like Wasp it feels that this version of this character has been very under used, but he has his moments, like the classic issue where he jumps inside of Vision to fix him or the time he fly's on Hawkeyes arrow, are classic avengers moments.
4 Black Goliath: Now I have only one comic with this guys and it the Civil War TPB, and it freaking sad to discover a character only to get him killed a couple of pages latter.
3 Yellow Jacket: If you read the Avengers long enough you know that when Yellow Jacket appears trouble isn't far behind, and Yellow Jacket in the Avengers Initiative was fantastically sinister.
2 Ant-man Scott Lang: As a father one can relate to Scott Lang and his crusade to recuperate his daughters legal custody, that he had lost to his ex wife because he was a superhero and I loved his revelry with Jack of Hearts.
1 Wasp Pym: Pym's time as the Mighty Avengers was the first time that I feel that Marvel understood
this character potential leading him to become the Scientist Supreme.
Ant-Man (2015)
Today I bring you guys my super late review for Marvel Ant-Man, now
before I start off with my review of this movie I must say that this flick took
me on a nostalgia trip because it reminded me at moments when I went to see one of my first movies
ever "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" back in the late 80's at local drive
in theater, when I lived in Culver City in the US; I know that both stories
have nothing to do with each other but I felt like that 8 year old Kid back at
the drive in, that feeling of wonder and awe and how cool it must be to shrink
to the size of an Ant.
Now specifically talking about Ant-Man this movie was a colossal
surprise, not only I loved it, it was far better than Avengers Age of Ultron.
Now personally I never really liked Scott Lang/Ant-Man that much as an Avenger,
I found it odd that they made a movie about Lang's Ant-Man, why not use Henry
Pym as Ant-Man, he's one of the most interesting and conflictive Avengers around, especially his competitive
relationship with Tony Stark and his mental instability make him a gold mine
for cool stories, but Disney pulled off a great Scott Lang story anyways.
The Plot of the movie isn't that complicated, but the way it's told
is fantastic, it's a heist movie like Oceans 11 and this is a real novelty in the Marvel movie universe, and it has a couple surprises that makes this
movie even more enjoyable. So here we go with the breakdown ( Danger
Yellow Jacket sort of looks too Ultronish to me |
Ant-Man/ Henry Pym (Michael Douglas): Michael
Douglas plays an older Pym that is locking for a successor as Ant-Man to stop
Darren Cross in his crusade to create the Yellow Jacket
Ant-Man II/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd): Rudd's Ant Man
is fantastic he's man driven to be able to recuperate dual custody of his daughter
and on the other hand he's trying to keep on the straight and narrow but Pym
makes him deviate forcing him to take up the Mantel of Ant-Man's and steal the Yellow Jacket from Cross. One of
the cool things about the movie is that it really explores the full potential
of Ant-Mans powers and that his power set isn't explicitly offensive in nature
(similar to Spider-Man) making Scott to be creative in the way he attacks his
Hope van Dyne ( Evangeline Lilly): I'm not too
crazy about this character but I have some interest of what will happen with
her down the line.
Yellow Jacket/Darren Cross: He looks pretty cool in
the movie but he doesn't seem much of a threat to Scott, even though he got
those blasters, Scott has a much larger power set and has trained with his
suit, Cross hasn't, there is no tension the final battle you know Scott will
Hydra: Generic villain organization, its sort of
getting old.
Supporting Cast:
Luis (Michael Peña): Out of the supporting characters Luis is one of Lang's best buds in the movie
and he's funny as hell, you know Michael Peña could play Gold Balls from the
X-men jajajaja.
Howard Stark
Issue Summary:
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Ant-Man will cross path with
the Avengers again.
Hope will be the new Wasp.
The Bad:
Why does Yellow Jackets blaster
sound like Star Wars AT-AT blasters from Star War, because the bastards use the
same sound effects, man Disney is shameless.
The subatomic realm even though
esthetically awesome it does remind me a little too much the black hole from
Nolan's last Space flick Interstellar.
The Good:
In the core of this movie we
have a very interesting father/duaghter dynamic, with Pym/ Hope and Scott /
Cassie, and as a dad one can appreciate this aspect of the movie.
Visually the movie is super
The Ant-Man/Falcon battle was
There is an actual reference to
Spider-man .
Rating: 8/10