The not so leathal Punisher |
Spider-Woman 31: Spidy meets Spider-Woman and as usual they clash over
a misunderstanding. But they end up as friend at the end of the issue, what a
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 13/Peter Parker Spider man annual 1: Spidy
goes up against Doc Ock in this really long and boring story.
Amazing Spider-man 201-202: Spidy team up with Punisher to battle organized
Note: Punisher uses rubber bullets and Punisher almost deduces that
Parker is Spider-man
Amazing Spider-man 203: Spider-man teams up with Dazzler to battle
one of Spidy's b-side villians.
Amazing Spider-man 204: Spidy has a run in with the obsessive Black
Amazing Spider-man 205: Spidy crosses paths with Black Cat, comic
reveals that Cat actually commits crimes so Spidy would notice her.
Rating: 7
Rating: 6
Amazing Spider-man 207: Spidy clashes with the X-men villain Mesmero.
Rating: 6
Spider-Woman 29: Spider-man and woman join forces to stop the
Rating: 6
Amazing Spider-man 208: Spidy confronts a totally forgettable
Rating: 4
Amazing Spider-man 209: Calypso manipulates Kraven back into action
setting Spider-man up for liberating dangerous animals in the city, which
Kraven recaptures, ending up battling Spidy.
Rating: 7
Amazing Spider-man Annual 14: Spidy teams up with Doctor Strange.
Rating: 4
Amazing Spider-man 214: Wizard breaks Sandman and Trapster out of
prison to reform the Frightful Four, Namor discovers that Lyra is up to no good
and search for her crossing paths with Spidy again and start battling till the
Frightful Four drop in.
Amazing Spider-man 210: Spidy meets Madam web, she's a pretty cool
character for an old lady that can't move from her special life support chair,
she will be the driving force for some pretty cool story lines down the line
for Spidy.
Rating: 7
Amazing Spider-man 211: Spidy battles Namor, over misunderstanding with some oceanic
Rating: 6
Amazing Spider-man 212: Thank to an accident with an experiment with
oceanic investigators Hydro-man is born, which Spidy has to kick his butt because
he chooses to become a villain.
Rating: 7
Amazing Spider-man 213: The Wizard tries to get revenge on Spidy
because he has ruined one of his evil plots by using a giant robot Spider, when
that doesn't work he attacks Spidy directly with help of a new pattern in crime
Rating: 6
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The Anal blast issue, yes Sandman is pure evil he does something to Spidy that he'll never forget |
Rating: 6
Amazing Spider-man 215: Spidy and Namor battle the Frightful Four.
Note: Spidy suffers the worst attack he suffered a anal sand blast from Sandman
I actual can't believe the artist drew that drawing look it up its freaking
The Bad: Team ups with Namor just do not work with Spidy, thank god
Namor will not ever appear again in the pages of Spidy's comics.
Rating: 6
Amazing Spider-man 216: Super fill in.
The Amazing Spider-man Annual 17: Spidy confronts organized crime
stepping on Kingpins toes.
Amazing Spider-man 248: Hobgoblin threatens to ruin Harry Osborn's
life, and tics Kingpin off and easily
defeats Spidy.
Amazing Spider-man 249-250: Spidy tracks Hobgoblin down in the
battle Hobgoblin has seemingly died of has escaped. At the end of the issue
Spidy ends up entering the Beyonder's ship, heading straight to the Secret
Amazing Spider-man 251-252: Spidy got his black suit, he starts to
learn how to use it.
Captain America 265-266: Spidy teams up with Captain America and
Nick Fury, to defeat the evil cyborg Sultan.
Note: It interesting to see that in this issue the Spidy tries to use a
gun in this story arc, I never have seen that before
Amazing Spider-man 228: Fill in issue.
Amazing Spider-man 229-230: Black Tom Cassidy sends Juggernaut to
kidnap Madam Web to use her powers to help them in their criminal endeavors. Jugy
has a run in with Spidy trying to stop him, Juggernuat gets to Web but discovers
the removing her from life support ound she will die so he just leaves her to die to
return to Black Tom, but this time system, Spidy in stops him in round 2 after encasing him in
The Good:
One of the all time clasic
battles of Spidy.
Spider-Man 231: Spidy clashes with Cobra and Mr. Hyde.
Amazing Spider-man 253: Spidy confronts the Rose and his fixing of
sport events.
Amazing Spider-man 254: Jack O' Lantern tries to get his hands on
Hobgoblin's war van that had fallen into to the Hudson river in his battle with
Spidy, but Peter will not let him get away with this.
Amazing Spider-man 255: The Fox tries to steel from Red Ghost and he
catches him red handed and makes him steel for him to let him off the hook, but
Spidy foils Red Ghost's plans.
Repercussions and Lasting
The Simbiot seems to have a
life of its own.
Amazing Spider-man 256, 257: Spidy teams up with Black Cat to take
down some crooks, while The Rose contracts the Puma to take out Spider-man for medaling
in his affairs. Puma almost takes out
Spidy but is saved by Black Cat. In round two Puma almost defeats him again but
lets him live because he realizes that he's a honorable person.
Repercussions and Lasting
The Rose starts to work with
The Good:
Puma is really dangerous for
Spidy, because of his senses he can track him down even as Peter Parker.
Amazing Spider-man 258: Spidy discovers that the Simbiot is alive
and is dangerous to him and thanks to the Reed Richards he able to remove it.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
This sets the Ground work for
the birth for the birth of Venom.
The Original suit is back
The Bad:
The Back suit has been removed
to fast
Amazing Spider-man 259: Hobgoblin causing more trouble, Peter is
back in the Original suit.
Amazing Spider-man 267: Fun fill in issue, Spidy follows a crook to
the suburbs where Peter can't use his web slinging, it a funny issue.
Puma the forgotten super cool character from the 80's |
Amazing Spider-man 268: A tie in to the Secret War II what happened to
the building the Beyonder turned t gold,
Kingpin wants to get his hand on it but Spidy will stop at nothing to stop him.
Amazing Spider-man 269-270: Spidy battles Firelord, over the fact
that the cosmic being came to Earth to eat Pizza.
The Bad: It's like Spidy vs Jugy again but with a stupid premise,
and Peter actual defeats Firelord.
Amazing Spider-man 271-272: A couple good fill in issues.
Amazing Spider-man 273: A Secret Wars II tie in the Puma seeks help from
Spidy to hunt down the Beyonder.
Amazing Spider-Man 304-305: Spider-man is after the
Fox and he crosses paths with a very spawnly Prowler.
One of my first comics ever, I got it at a garage sale with Wolverine number one and a couple of X-men issues. And I must say Taskmaster has been one of my favorite villain ever since |
Amazing Spider-Man 306: Spidy vs. Humbug this one has classic filler written
all over it.
Amazing Spider-Man 307: Spidy gets played by the Chameleon,
while Mary Jane gets kidnapped.
Amazing Spider-Man 308: Spidy’s hunt for Mary Jane
sends him in the wrong derection facing off against the Taskmaster.
Note: This actual actually is one of my first comic
books ever, with a couple other titles, I got it a garage sale in the late 80’s
and a still have till today, and I used to and still think that the Taskmaster
is one of marvel’s coolest characters
Amazing Spider-Man 309: Spidy rescues Mary Jane
defeating the forgettable Mcafarlane villains of Styx and Stone.
Amazing Spider-man 313: The Lizard
is back and want to kill his family but to many Demos and Spidy get in the way.
· Spider-man 19: The other five members of the Sinister Six confront
Octopus over some of his misdeeds and he converts Sandman into Glass, right
when Spidy jumps in to save Sandman, and the villains forget their conflict
with Otto and try to take Spidy down, when the Hulk jumps in to help (sent in
by the Pantheon), but Ock actually defeats both of them.
Rating: 5
Spider-Man Team-up 7:
Spidy teams up with the Thunderbolts.
Rating: 4
Amazing Spider-Man 310: Peter Parker gets a scholarship in the tech
investigation department of ESU, but things go south when the Tinkerer is
revealed to have ties to this part of
the University and to make things worse Killer Shrike attacks.
Amazing Spider-man 311: Spider-man
battles Mysterio, but not are is what it seems not all are his illusions the
city is starting to be overrun by limbo demons.
Amazing Spider-man 312: In a long
awaited showdown Green Goblin and Hobgoblin battle, Hoby wants the Goblin
formula, while the city is converting
into a hellish limbo.
Todd MC was the man, his art was at top of it's game back then |
Amazing Spider-man 314: Peter and
Mary Jane get evicted.
Spider-man 10: Spidy and Wolvy are hunting
Wendigo, trying to stop him from killing more innocent people.
Spider-man 15: Spidy teams up with Beast.
Octopus is back and has gotten his hands on Adamantium Arms and some super
dangerous weapons for his old team mates of the Sinister Six, now he wants to
become major player even making a move
against Hydra to steal the control to their orbital weapons.
Spider-man, Ghost Rider, Hulk, Nova, Fantastic, Deathlok, Sleep Walker, Solo
Villains: Sinister
Six, Hydra
remember when I was a kid when this story ark came out, I bought it the
day before the LA riots and since the things got really bad near my house my
dad took me and my mom to San Francisco for a quick vacation till things
cooled down and I remember taking these issues with me.
Issue Summary:
· Spider-man 18: Spidy teams up with Ghost Rider to stop a crazed
android that's on a rampage, while Doc
Ock gets his Adamantium Arms back and
take vengeance on Sandman for betraying him the last time the Sinister Six had
got together, killing a group of his friends.
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Here's the first time that I got to see Solo, dude that in Deadpool's Mercs team |
· Spider-man 20: Spidy makes some knew super web shotters to take on
the Sinister Six, when contacted by Solo who wants to kill the villains, but
Pete just flat out tells him no, but Solo follows Spidy who find the Six, but
Solo is fooled by Mysterio and take Spidy down by mistake.
· Spider-man 21: Spidy is saved from being killed by Solo, Pete meets
up with Deathlok to battle the Six but they both get their butts kicked.
· Spider-man 22: The Sinister Six take on Hydra, when Spidy and his
team of friends: Ghost Rider, Sleep Walker and Hulk, battle the Six when Gog
the sixth secret member of the team enters and squashes Spidy and his buddies.
· Spider-man 23: Spidy is joined by Nova and the Fantastic Four,
giving Peter the edge to finally to defeats the Six.
Spider-man Team-Up Issue 1
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Spidy vs the Hellfire Club |
Heroes: Spider-man
and X-men (Cyclops. Pyslocke, Beast, Jean Grey and Archangel)
Villains: Hellfire
Club (Shinobi Shaw, Benedict Kane and Tessa)
cast: J.J. Jameson
The Hellfire is out to kill J.J. Jameson, Spidy
teams up with the X-men, and defeat the bad guys and save Jameson.
The Bad:
The introduction of a new character Benedict Kane
that never appears again.
Spider-Man Team-up 7:
Spidy teams up with the Thunderbolts.
Rating: 4
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Man these crossovers were terrible |
2 (1997)
Spidy join
force with Badrock (from Maximum Press) to battle Mysterio.