2000 era Marvel
A Evil Tony Stark from the future appears in the
present and clashes with many of Marvel heroes and when he finds a way back to
his future, using a young evil mutant
but it endangers all existence.
Heroes: Wolverine,
Spider-man; Fantastic Four, Hulk, X-23, Captain America, Black Widow, Sunfire,
Shield, Doctor Strange
Villains: Iron Maniac, Titannus, Evil Mutant Kid
Supporting Cast: Tony Stark, Nova, Jubalee, Moonknight,
Inhumans, Nick Fury, Wendigo
Issue Summary: (note the arc is a crazy mess but a fun read)
Spidy meets a new young mutant, and when Wolverine appears to kill the kid
but Spidy saves him, but when they return to the kids home Peter discovers that
the kid had killed his own parents and Wolvy had attacked him because he
already knew this. Heroes defeat the young mutant that just explodes. While in
Latveria Iron Maniac arrives to the present (note he actually looks like Doom)
and Titannus arrives on Earth.
3: Doc Strange feels the arrival of Iron
Maniac, that looks like Doom, and Strange knows that he should not be in the present, while Iron Maniac
attacks the Fantastic Four but escapes after not being able to defeat them.
4: Doc Strange joins the Fantastic Four to
hunt down their attacker, who to their surprise isn't Doom, but a evil Tony
Stark that gets away, and finds the evil mutant kid that will be part of his
plan to get back into the future.
Sunfire finds Titannus's ship but gets his butt kicked by this
super powered skrull, while X-23 set out
to find that evil mutant kid and crosses paths with Spidy, that after a brief
battle they stumble on Iron Maniacs lab who has the evil kid tied up to some
type of portal machine.
6.Nick Fury sends Cap America and Black
Widow to stop Iron Maniac, they team up with Spidy and X-23 and capture the
Evil Tony.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Titannus will be a pain in the
butt for marvel's heroes in the future.
Iron Maniac will be back.
The Good:
Fun to see the dynamic between
the heroes.
Loved how Wolvy got out of
Spidy's webbing.
The end of the arc is pretty
anti-climatic but oddy in a good way it's pretty funny.
"Yow dude we're going to have our own series on netflix" |
The Ringmaster has gotten a ring that is made out of a
fragment of the Cosmic Cube and he sets out to make a name for himself in the
middle of Manhattan
Heroes: Spider-Man,
Captain America, Wolverine, Luke Cage, Moonknight, Punisher, Sleep Walker,
Daredevil, Blade
Antagonist: Cardiac,
Black Cat
Villains: Ringmaster, Vampires, Constrictor, Stilt
man, Titannus
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
Marvel Team-Up 7: Spidy and
Moonknight team up to stop Constrictor and after capturing the villain they are
attacked by a super powerful Ringmaster.
Marvel Team-Up8: Punisher
almost takes out Blade thinking he's a villain, when the vampire hunter explains
he's stacking out a group of Vampires that he decide to take down. When
Punisher leaves to investigate a colossal explosion from the other side of the
city (from the Spidy battle with the Ringmaster.).
Marvel Team-Up 9: Daredevil
battles Stilt-man, when Luke Cage jumps in and helps defeat the villain, when
they hear the explosion from the Spidy battle.
Also at the same time Sleep Walker is out to stop crime preventing Black
Cat from stealing something when the explosion wakes up his host body and he's
ported back to the sleep realm.
Marvel Team-Up 10: Captain
America and Wolvy are drawn to the battle thanks to the explosions joining all
the other heroes to battle the Ringmaster when Punisher with a sniper rifle
blow of the villains ring finger ending the menace.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Titannus destroys Tokyo.
Crusader will end up using
Ringmaster's ring.
The Bad:
The Good:
Great dialogs and interrelation
between the characters.
Great that someone remembered
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This comic made Eternals cool |
Eternals 1-7
The Eternals are back, they had been lost for awhile,
being fooled by Sprite to think they are humans, but slowly they have been
reawakening, now in a series of events
that lead to the Dreaming Celestial awakening and choosing a new champion, Makkari which seems to be also Deviant messiah ending
the war with the Eternals.
Marvel Team-Up 11-13: Doc Strange puts
together a team of heroes: Spidy, Wolverine, She Hulk, Nova, Captain Marvel and
Hulk to battle Titannuss that has taken over Japan.
Defender 1-5: Dormammu has defeated Doc Strange and
his Defenders and takes over the universe killing Eternity, but it a trick by
Umar that uses Strange and Co to totally humiliate his brother.
The Good:
The dialogues in this comic are fantastic.
The Winter Soldier
It took me awhile to warm up to the idea that Bucky is back |
Captain America is confronted by a new Villain, that possibly could
be from his past, the Winter Soldier, and this dude causing kinds of trouble working for Russian Millionaire
Alexander Lukin and Cap has set out to
stop both of them, but from what Steve will discover from this new character
will rock his world.
Captain America, Iron man,
Falcon, Nick Fury, Sharon Carter, Shield
Antagonist: Winter Soldier
Villains: Alexander Lukin / Red
Skull, MODOKS, AIM, Crossbones
Supporting Cast: The Cosmic Cube
(seems to have a mind of its own), Sin
Issue Summary:
8: Nick Fury informs Cap of the existence of the
Winter Soldier, and that it's possible that it's his old side kick Bucky.
9: Cap and Nick with Shield attack Russian millionaire
Alexander Lukin, the man that seems to
be the one holding Winter Soldier's leash, but they are stopped by US authorities.
11: This issue tell the story of what happened to Bucky after his apparent
death, he was captured, revived and
brain washed by the Russians, and made into a soviet assassin, but with the
fall of the USSR, he was forgotten and ended up in Lukin's power.
12: Cap finally realizes that
the Winter Soldier is Bucky.
13: Cap, Falcon and Iron Man
set out to find out where Lukin hiding the Winter Soldier .
14: Steve finally confronts the
Winter Soldier, he finally remembers who he was but just cannot take in all the
crimes he had committed as the Winter Soldier and uses the Cosmic Cube to
and Lasting effects:
Bucky will fill in for Cap
after the Civil War.
Lady Red Skull/ Sin is coming
The Good:
Originally I hated the idea of
bringing Bucky back, but over the years I learned to really like this character
and what they have done.
Bucky when confronted by Cap he
actually shoots to kill, friendship wasn't enough to bring him back the Cosmic Cube did.
Bucky actually take a while to
warm up into being a hero.
The Bad:
Sadly I don't have all of the
issues from this incredible arc.
Rating: 10
out of 10
Is it me or Namor looks a lot like Greg Louganis |
Namor 1-6:A renegade atlantian terrorist cell attacks US soil and
Namor is blamed, but he has nothing to do with what has happened, Namor escapes
Atlantis that is in lock down to find the one responsible, getting Tony Stark very angry because he's the one that
quarantined him there. Namor heads to the X-men
to use Cerebro to find the terrorist cell, Namor discover that his son
Kamar the one that's causing all this trouble and discovers Nitro has been
helping the terrorist. Namor uses Nitro
to blow up Atlantis and his people slip away to disperse around the world.
The Good:
Xavier and Invisible Woman turn
Namor away not willing to help him.
Namor battles Wolverine, always
very entertaining.
Namor battles Venom (Mac Gargan).
Namor uses his dead son to
trick Stark into thinking he's dead.
Lasting Repercussions:
Atlantis is destroyed.
Namor take residence in
Latveria, forging an alaince with Doom.
probably take Nitro with him. Marvel Please bring Sentry Back |
So we finally get it the full origin of Sentry, his
real relationship with the void and why he must go away.
Heroes: Sentry, Hulk, Doctor Strange
Antagonist: Dance Instructor
Villains: Void, Attuma, Doctor Octopus, Terrax, Xeniac,
Hammer Head
Supporting Cast: Avengers, Fantastic, Clock, Doctor Worth,
Sentry's Wife
Issue Summary:
1: Sentry with the Avengers
stop Attuma's invasion of the surface world and kicking other super villains
butts during the week, we discover that Sentry has the Void looked up
in a volt hidden in his base the Clock, while Bob Reynolds Senty's alter ego start psychotherapy
2: Void starts messing with
Sentry's head.
3: Sentry meets up with Hulk to
hunt for the General in the Negative Zone, but when they find him the Void
attacks everyone just clobbering Hulk, the heroes escape.
4: Bob is growing in jealousy
over the relationship his wife has with her dance instructor, while the Void
attacks any amusement park. While Sentry's therapist discover the in the Void's
cell there is a chair and a mirror, the Void was never imprisoned, it was
Sentry talking to himself.
5: It's revealed that Bob is the Void, and he
had been separated from his alter ego Sentry and they battle.
6: Sentry goes to Doctor
Strange for help.
7: Sentry wakes in a mental
institution it seems he was some crazy guy looked up there, but it's a illusion
made by Doctor Strange it seems that Sentry is to dangerous to exist.
8: Sentry battles the Void to
the death, throwing his evil self into the sun, no more Bob.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
¿Is the Viod gone for good?
Sentry kills Attuma, but Doom brings
him back during Dark Reign
The Bad:
The Good:
Complete origin of the Sentry.
We learn who and what is the
Love to see the relationship
between Sentry and the Hulk.
The plot of this comic is
really good
Robert is actually jealous of
his alter ego Sentry and his wife
The Void actual break every
bone in Hulk's body.
We learn that Bob was a drug
addict before being Sentry and he drank the serum just to get high.
The Serum was a off shot
program of the super soldier program.
The Silent War
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Blackbolt vs the Mighty Avengers, wow |
The Inhuman population is in turmoil over losing the
Terrigin crystals to the US government thanks to the stupidity of Quicksilver,
now they don't want to give it back, in a demonstration of force by the
Inhumans goes wrong ending the lives of innocent people sparks a war between the
Inhumans and the United States
Heroes: Inhumans
Antagonist: Mighty Avengers, Fantastic Four, Sentry,
Villains: Quicksilver, Maximus
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
1: Inhumans in a act reclaiming
their Terrigin crystals innocent people die sparking a war with the US government,
Gorgon gets captured.
2: The US government
experiments with the crystals on Gorgon mutating him more, while Blackbolt is
confronted by Sentry.
3: Blackbolt confronts Quicksilver, and he flips out to see what's left
of the crystals are incrusted in his body.
4: Maximus takes control of
Medusa who falls into his arms.
5: Inhumans attacks the Pentagon to rescue Gorgon, clobbering the
Avengers, recuperating the crystals.
6: The US government attacks Atitlan
the Inhumans city on the moon and destroying it.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Quicksilver will bring more grief
to X-Factor for awhile.
Inhumans are left open to the
Skrulls Secret Invasion.
Maximus is the new leader of
the Inhumans
The Bad:
The Good:
We learn about issue from Bolts
personal life.
Rating: 10
To my surprise I loved this X-51 comeback |
Zombies 3 1-4: Zombies have crossed from the Zombieverse into Marvel 616 entering
through the Everglades in Florida, the local Initiative team engages them and
most of the team is killed stopping the Zombies. A new arm Shield called ARMOR
that monitors extra dimensional activities sends Machine Man with Jacosta to investigate the Zombieverse.
While they are ported away by Portal, we discover that Morbius is actually a
infiltrated Zombie in ARMOR gearing up for a Zombie invasion. Machine Man
battles his way back to earth and stop Zombie Morbius.
Conquistador and Siege are
killed Aquarian goes into hibernation to heal the Zombie virus.
I think we have the birth of
the Zombie Headpool.
The Good:
The series brings back briefly
Portal a old school Darkhawk character, talking about obscure.
The Bad:
A New team of Howling Commandos
is created but is never seen again
We never get to see ARMOR
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Not Digging Lady Panther |
Black Panther 1: Panther visit Namor in Latveria, to debate the new
political status quo in the Marvel Universe, Namor invites him to join the
cabal. Now when Panther leaves he's attacked by Doom, who was still pist from
his past visit, nearly killing him.
Lasting Effect:
Black Panther will be replaced
by his Sister as the New Black Pather.
Black Panther 2: Panther struggling for his life, while a rival
tribe make a power move a bring Morlun back from the dead to hunt down their
Black Panther 3: Panther god actually rejects T'Challa sister Shuri.
Black Panther 4: Morlun attacks Wakanda.
Black Panther 5: Lady Panther almost is killed by Morlun, but is
able to defeat him, while T'Challa finally recuperates from Dooms attacks.
This story arc is fantastic, but bring back Speedball. |
Penance: Relentless 1-5: Penance goes rogue ditching the
Thunderbolts and takes vengeance against Nitro who is in Latveria under Dooms
The Good:
It's cool to see Robbie dealing
with his guilt over Stamford.
Robbie drive Norman Osborne
Lasting Repercussions:
Penance leaves the Thunderbolts
and end up in the Initiative some time latter.
Incredible Hulk 112: Hercules give himself in to Shield in the fall
out of the World War Hulk, but things don't
go well when Ares part of Shield antagonizes
his brother and things go bad, Herc and Amadeus Cho escape and makes a run for
Incredible Hercules 113: Ares and Wonder man are out to capture
Hercules, Ares uses a special venom (taken from Ares's pet hydra) instead of knocking Hercules out it
drives him crazy and just clobbers Wonder man.
Incredible Hercules 114: Black Widow helps stop Hercules's rampage.
Incredible Hercules 115: Amadeus
Cho wants vengeance against Shield, while Hercules battles Ares. Herc stops Cho
from going over the line in his battle against Shield.
Hulk vs Hercules: Titans Collide: In a battle between Hulk and
Hercules, they accidently liberate the Titans creating a kinds of chaos in Olympus.
Eternals 1: Makkari dealing with his celestial talking powers, while
Ikaris battle Druig.
Eternals 2: Ajak is pist off
that the Celestial chose Makkari over him, and we discover that the Horde is
Eternal 3: We learn more about the celestial and what they do, and
the story why the dreaming celestial was cast away from the group.
Eternals 4: Ajak reawakes Gilgamesh, and sends him against the
Eternal in vengeance over the Dreaming Celestial choosing Makkari. Gilgamesh
clobbers Druig.
Eternals 5:Thena's child seems
to be a Horde spy, while Gilgamesh and Ajak kills Makkari.
Eternals 6: Gilgamesh destroys the Eternals resurrection machine,
Sersi sacrifices herself so Makkari can be reborn and save Earth.
Eternals 7-8: Ikaris has gone rogue battles Druig and Company, and the X-Men join in to help
Ikaris, while the Dreaming Celestial tries to stop the Horde.
Eternals 9: All Eternals unite to battle the Horde joining minds
with the Celestial to defeat the galactic villains.
Eternals Annual: Eternals
battle the very forgotten Young gods.
Thor Vol. 3 Issues 1-6

Heroes: Thor, Heimdall, the Warrior Three (Fandral,
Volstagg and Hogun)
Antagonist: Iron Man
Villains: ¿Lady Loki?, Destroyer
Supporting Cast: Donald Blake, the people of Broxton
and other Asgardians
Issue Summary:
1; Donald Blake lifts Thor’s Hammer, and bring him
back from the abyss.
2; Thor brings Asgard to Broxton Oklahoma.
3; Thor is confronted by Iron man, that he must
join the initiative. Thor mops the Floor with Tony and tells him to stay out of
his way. Heimdall is brought back.
4; Thor finds the Warrior Three.
5; after defeating Destroyer Thor discovers Balder
is inside and Loki is back but in a female form.
6; Thor almost killed trying to bring back the
Asgardians on a global scale.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Sets Thor in a crash course against the US
government that will have its correlation in the Siege.
The Good:
The characterization of Thor and friends is
fantastic, they really humanize the Asgardians. And there relationship with the
people of Broxton and the city is super interesting.
Thor’s confrontation with Iron man, he’s pist over
the whole civil war and cloning thing.
Loki is a woman.
Rating: 10
The Good:
Luke actually defeats the Villain out smarting him, not with his fists.
New Avengers Luke
Cage 1-3: Cage heads to Philadelphia help a old friend who has been attacked in
a gang turf war, and Luke after kicks Hammerhead and discovers there is
something behind his friends attack.
The Good:
Luke actually defeats the Villain out smarting him, not with his fists.
Power Man 1-4: Marvel introduces the new Power Man, who is related
to an old adversary of Luke Cage, and this new hero surfaces during the Shadow
Land cross over
Lasting Repercussions:
This new Power Man will play a
major role in Mighty Avengers.
The Good:
It's cool to see Luke Cage's
old rogue gallery back and causing trouble.
The Incredible Hercules 126: Fill in issue. Flashback origin tale.
The Incredible Hercules 127-128: Hera has minions kills Aegis, Herc
confronts his Mom when the Dark Avengers crashes the party to stop Hera plan of
Continuum. three way battle between Hera forces, Dark Avengers and Hercules.
Lasting Effects: Hera Strikes a deal with Osborne.
The Incredible Hercules 129-131: Herc and Amadeus Cho head to the realm
of the dead and after besting Pluto Hercules rescues his dad Zeus from Hades.
Lasting Effects:
Zeus is back but as a young
Doom War
Doctor Doom makes his move to overtake Wakanda and its
viridium, Panther puts together a formidable coalition to take down Doom.
Heroes: Black Panther, X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic
Four, Shuri Panther, War Machine
Villains: Doom
Issue Summary:
1 Doom is
having a hard time getting into Panther's veridiun volt, mean while T'Challa
seeks help from the X-men to help
him recover his country.
2 Doom finally makes it into the vault and steals
3 Doom starts causing trouble on a global scale.
4 The
Fantastic Four joins the fight, T'Challa takes a risk and sends Deadpool on a
mission to Latveria to sabotage Doom.
5-6 Panther to stop Doom leaves all Veridiun inert,
leaving Doom without his edge, with
T'Challa coming out on top.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Al veridium is left worthless
and leaving Wakanda without its technological edge.
The Good:
We get to see a Doom that is more driven than ever
and he's not afraid to get his hand dirty.
Super cool to see how Doom convinces the Panther
god to let him pass into the vault.
Cool to see Nightcrawler having issues with
Panther's leathal tactics.
T'Challa starts using magic for the first time
Rating: 8
Assault on New Olympus
Hercules has to stop the nefarious plans of his step mom and her
Heroes: Hercules, Amadues Cho, Mighty Avengers,
Spider-man, Wolverine, Thor, Angel,
Snowbird, Namor, Bruce Banner
Antagonist: Athena, Ares
Villains: Hera, Typhoon, Pluto, Hunter, Argus,
Thanatos, Hefesto...
Supporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
Assault On the New
Olimpus1: Hercules battles Spider-man
over Hebe and a misunderstanding, while Hera is getting ready to start the
The Incredible Hercules 138:
Herc with the Mighty Avengers attacks Hera's base.
The Incredible Hercules
139: Battle rages on while the Continuum
The Incredible Hercules 140:
Herc battles Hefesto's evil inventions, while Typhoon betrays and kill Hera.
The Incredible Hercules 141: Zeus
has been killed by Typhoon, Herc set out to avenge his father, and defeats the
titan but is killed, while the Avengers defeat the rest of Hera's minions.
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger
1-2: Funeral for Hercules all gods arrive to pay your respects, while Amadeus
Cho is chosen as Athenas new Champion
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Hercules seemingly died.
Amadeus Cho becomes the New
Prince of Power.
Zeus get killed again
Hera was killed.
The Bad:
Zeus get killed again he was
alive for 5 issues at most.
Herc. Stays dead for four
The Good:
Herc. teaming up with the
Avengers always kicks butt.
What the hell, why does Athena
lets Herc die?
Rating: 8
Chaos War
Heroes: Hercules, Amadeus Cho, Thor , Silver Surfer,
Baldar, Delfina, Heimdall, Tyr, Dr. Voodoo, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Agent of
Atlas, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Venus, Sersi, Galactus, Hellfire
Antagonist: the Pantheon (Hulks old buddies), Pluto,
Hela , Zeus, Ares, Hera
Villains: Amatsu-Mikaboshi/Chaos King (CK), Vali
Halfling, Athena, Griffin, Sekhmet/Hathor, Apep
Supporting Cast: Eternity
Issue Summary:
Prince of Powers 1-4: Amadeus
Cho with the help of Thor and Delfina becomes a super god, but only after
besting one of Loki's sons Vali Halfling. And the First thing Cho does as a
super deity is to bring back from that bubble Universe made by Hera his best
bud Hercules and giving him all of his new power to battle the king of chaos.
Chaos Wars 1: Hercules returns
to warn Earth's heroes and deities that CK is on his way to Earth and he's
spreading entropy through the Universe, Earth's heroes head out to space to
stop CK but are easily defeated.
CW 2: All mortals fall into a
trance, only deities are left and most of them have hidden in another dimension,
but Hercules forms a new god squad. While CK
is wrecking havoc in the hells.
CW 3: God Squad battles CK's
minions which are mind controlled Zeus, Ares, Hera... Hercules clobbers his old
man and accidently liberates CK in the refuge dimension for the deities.
CW 4: CK's secret allies
emerges Athena she has been pulling the String
from the beginning, she wants to restart realty and fix all the
CW 5: Hercules trick CK and
traps him in that parallel realty that Hera had created that Herc was trapped
in. Athena reappears and explains that she used this as a test to show that
Herc that he can be the king of the deities and remake the world, make it
better, but Hercules renounces the power and leaves everything as they were.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Alpha Flight comes back from
the dead.
Yellow Jacket II is back from the
dead, ¿Who cares?
Olympus is back on Earth.
Hercules end his relationship
with Amadues.
Hercules starts a new but
uninteresting new series.
The Bad:
CK abandons his Japanese look,
to look like a Skinny Venom why change his look stupid move by the writers.
Why bring so many characters
back from the dead.
The Good:
It cool to see how Hercules is
forced to mature through the arc and control his impulses that get him trouble.
The god squad kick butt
Rating: 7