X-Titles X-men and X-Factor post Schism
Death of Dracula + Curse of the Mutants

Heroes: X-Men, New Mutants, Atlanteans and Blade
Antagonist: Dracula
Villains: Xarus and the Vampire Clans
Sporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
The Death of Dracula: Xarus effectively plots to
kill his father to become the leader of the Vampires setting them to invade San
Francisco with special technology that allows them to become day walkers.
X-men 1: Vampires start the invasion and the X-men try
to fight them, while Jubilee has been infected with a Vampire virus.
X-Men 2: Blade joins the fight (boy I didn’t see
that coming), Jubilee is converted into a Vampire.
X-Men 3: Namor finds Dracula head to assemble him,
so he can help the X-Men in an alliance. Wolvy hunting for Jubilee get trapped
and converted into a Vampire.
X-Men 4: More Mutants battling Vampires.
X-Men 5-6: Final battle finally starts, Wolverine
revert back to normal and starts kicking Vampire butt, Dracula kills Xarus.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Vampire Jubilee
The Bad:
WTF Vampire Jubilee, ¿why can’t
writers stop screwing with this poor character?
Story ark to long.
The Good:
Cyclops start acting super
pragmatically, screwing Blade over, not telling Wolvy that he had surprised his
powers to allow him to become a Vampire and establishing an alliance with
Using Iceman to blast holy
water was a pretty cool idea
Rating: 6
X-Men 7-10
Kids start to disappear in the sewers of New York leading to the X-Men
and Spider-man joining forces to find
out what’s going on.
Heroes: X-Men and Spider-man
Antagonist: Lizard Kids
Villains: Lizard and Dark Beast
Sporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
7 Kids start disappearing in New York and
everything points that they are in the sewers the X-men head out to investigate.
8 Team of Lizard kids attack the X-Men, and Spidy
joins them in their investigation, Spidy explains the Lizard is responsible for
what’s going on.
9 But it seems that the Lizard has been enslaved by
the Dark Beast and he’s experimenting with his Lizard serum, converting the
X-men into Lizard creatures.
10 Emma and Spidy set Lizard Free and he attacks
the Dark Beast.
The Bad:
One issue to long
The Good:
Dark Beast appearing was a cool
Rating: 7

Heroes: X-Men, Hope, Generation Hope, New Mutants
Antagonist: Omega Kid
Villains: Hellfire Club and Sentinels
Issue Summary:
1 While Cyclops is addressing the United the
Nations Kid Omega drops in mentally attacking all the attendees, and the same
time a group of Sentinels attack Cyclops
and Wolverine who had accompanied him. The whole situation was started by a Kid
called Kade Killgore, to spike the sales of his sentinels and he takes over the
Hellfire Club
2 X-Men set out to take down Sentinels that have
lost control on a global level, while Omega Kid arrives on Utopia asking for
3 Kiddy Hellfire Club attacks the X-men at the inauguration
of their own Mutant Museum
4 X-men are confronted by a super powerful Sentinel
that is heading to destroy Utopia. Cyclops wants to use Generation Hope as the
last line defiance but Wolverine objects saying they are just kids not
5 Cyclops Vs. Wolverine battle while the super
sentinel attacks, finally X-men, New Mutants and Generation Hope defeat the
X-Men Regenesis: Mutants take sides in the whole
Cyclops/Wolverine conflict
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Birth of Cyclops Extinction
Wolverine and his School for
the Gifted.
The Kiddy Hellfire Club
Enf of Generation Hope.
Enf of Generation Hope.
The Bad:
The Good:
I love the rivalry between
Cyclops and Wolverine
The Kid Hellfire Club seems the
most dangerous thing to confront the X-men in a long time.
Kid Omega is a really
interesting Character.
We see how much of an asshole
Cyclops has become.
Rating: 9

Uncanny X-Men 1-3
Sinister using the Dreaming Celestial’s powers he converts San
Francisco into Sinister City, inevitably clashing with the X-Men.
Sinister is back
Heroes: X-Men
Villains: Sinister
Sporting Cast: Celestials, Dreaming Celestial,
Generation Hope, New Mutants; Pyslocke, SWORD
Issue Summary:
1 Sinister using the
Dreaming Celestial power he converts San Francisco into Sinister City, while
Cyclops consolidate the formation of a new X-men team, the Extinction Team,
with their baptism of fire against Mr. Sinister.
2 Sinister has becomes crazy
powerful, X-Men have a hard time dealing with him, while the Celestial are on
the way to Earth to judge the planet for messing with one of their own.
3 Sinister is defeated by the
X-Men, but it’s too late the Celestials have arrived, but turn away after
confronted by the X-Men.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Sinister city plays an
important role in the Avenger vs. X-Men crossover.
The Bad:
Wasn’t Sinister a Woman last we
saw him.
The Good:
The Extinction team kick ass
with some Major Heavy hitters, writer gearing up for Avengers vs. X-Men
Rating: 8
This crossover closes the dangling plot line that has been hanging
since the Siege, the return of the Disir, here we discover their tragic story.
Heroes: New Mutants, Thor, Kid Loki
Antagonist: Bor, Disir, Hela, Sigurd
Villains: Mephisto,
Supporting Cast: The Warrior Three
Issue Summary:
Exiled 1: Mephisto set loose the Disir who attack Dani
Moonstar, causing the return of Sigurd who use a magic spell that resets
reallty making everyone forget what had
happened, especialy the Asgardians that reestablish themselves in San Fran as
normal people.
Journey Into Mystery 637: New
Mutants cross paths with Thor that has
forgotten who he is, and latter they meet Kid Loki, Doug uses his powers to
break the spell with him, and latter they meet up with Sigurd explains he used
the spell to make the Disir in offensive.
New Mutants 42: The Mutants find the lost Asgardians, but the
Disir break the spell on their own and
start attacking causing Havok.
Journey Into Mystery 638: Hela intervenes
to help the Heroes stop the Disir.
New Mutants 43: Bor is brought
back from the dead to help break the Disir the spell, because it's a messed up
punishment and the Disir are too dangerous for the Asgardians.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Introduction of Sigurd, a
pretty interesting character.
Disir spell has ended
The Bad:
The Good:
We discover that before Thor
the great heroes of Asgard that served Bor was Sigurd, and he goes a long way
back with Loki.
We discover that the Disir
where the original Valkyries that had a fallout Bor a where damed to become
Zombie soul eaters
Wolverine has reopened Xavier’s School for the Gifted and changed its
name to Jean Grey’s School for the Gifted ( just another F you to Cyclops), getting younger mutants back into
training and off the battle field, now Wolvy needs municipal approval to get his
school up and running, good thing the Hellfire club drops in to drive Logan crazy.
Heroes: School Principals: Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and
Beast (Vice Principal), Professors: Gambit,
Rachel Grey, Rogue, Iceman, Cannonball, Chamber, Husk, Karma, Frenzy, Receptionist:
Doop, Janitor: Toad, Students: Armor, Anole, Blindfold, Bling, Broo, Cipher (female),
Ernst, Gentle, Glob Herman, Graymalkin, Hellion, Indra, Kid Gladiator, Kid Omega,
Match, Mercury, Oya, Landslide, Trance and Shi’ar bodyguard Warbird
Villains: Kade Killgore, Hellfire Club, Sauron clone,
Windigo clone, Army of Frankensteins
Sporting Cast: Mathew
Murdock, Captain America, Bamfs and Lockheed
Issue Summary:
1 Municipal inspection has arrived to the School to
see if they give it the official habitation as a learning facility when Kade
Killgore arrives with his Hellfire Club to destroy the School.
2 Kade unleashes the grandson of Krakoa, a army of Frankensteins,
Windigo and Sauron on the School.
3 Quentin
Quire actually saves the day convincing Krakoa to change side shifting the
battle in favor of the X-men. Wolvy latter instead of trying to kill Kade he takes major
legal actions against his company.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Introduction of new character
like Kid Gladiator, Warbird and the grandson of Krakoa
Iceman’s power is greater being
able to create ice clones
The Bad:
The Good:
A very enjoyable read, it’s
great to put Logan in this situation, where he just can’t gut people that are
not in line with him.
I just love hating Kid Omega
and Kade Kilgore.
Kade is probably the most
dangerous villain in the X-men rogue catalogue.
Bamfs here there and everywhere
Rating: 10
Uncanny X-Men 4: X-Men battle the Phalanx, and we discover that
Sinister had been experimenting with the Phalanx.
Rating: 8
Uncanny X-Men 9-10: X-Men battle and capture the mysterious and
dangerous alien Unit.
Rating: 8
Wolverine and the X-Men 4: Deathlok becomes a professor, Angel acts
weird, interesting issue that establishes parallelisms between Kid Apocalypse
and Angel, check out X-Force to find out what had happened to both of them.
Lasting Effects:
¿Kitty is pregnant?
The good: Deathlok can see the future and he sees that Kid
Apocalypse is truly dangerous.
Wolverine and the X-Men 5: Kitty seem to have a Horde of micro Brood
in her system, so Beast does the most logical thing shrink the X-Kid to their
size and battle them inside of Kitty, while Wolvy with Kid Omega head out into
space to bet big in the casino to get funds for the school.
Wolverine and the X-Men 6-7: While the Young X-Men are battling inside of Kitty,
while Xanto has arrived to the school
and he wants to kidnap Bro.
The Cool:
Wolvy gets his adimantium leg
broken in a alien casino brawl.
School ends up getting funds
from Krakoa that can produce Diamonds.
Wolverine and the X-Men 8:
Beast battle Sabertooth, who has been sent to attack SWORD by the
hellfire kid.
Wolverine and the X-Men 17: a day in the Life of Doop.
Wolverine and the X-Men 19: Wolvy looking for
new professors Hellfire, Puck, Sasquatch, Longshot, Doc Nemisis, Gorilla Man,
Ghost Rider, Deadpool... untile Storm takes the job.
All-New X-men 1-3: Beast is dying
and goes back in time to bring his younger self and the rest of the
young X-men to the present to help him save his own life, and boy wolvy isn't
happy to see what Hank did , while Cyclops recruits Tempus and the healer dude
for his team, plus frees Emma Frost.

All-New X-Men 4-5: Older Cyclops encounters the young X-Men, and the
youngsters are in dismay in to why the older Scott has joined forces with
Magneto. Later Beast and Jean are able to save the older Beast.
Repercussions and Lasting
Older Beast life is saved and
he mutates again, he’s not like cat like anymore.
Uncanny X-Men 1: Scott is out to find and recruit new Mutants, but
everywhere they show up Sentinels attack. Magneto makes a deal with Shield.
All-New X-Men 12: The young X-men are confronted by the Uncanny
Avengers, Jean freaks out when peeking in Scarlet Witch's mind and finds out
what she had done with M day, while Mystic with her brotherhood are causing all
kinds of havoc.
All-New X-Men 13: Mystic makes a power move to take over the Island
Nation of Madripoor, taking it from the control of Viper, when the X-men drop
the party.
All New X-Men 14: The team battles Mystic and her new
Brotherhood and Hydra the Uncanny Avengers crash the party.
All New X-Men 15: The kid getting ajusted with their
live in the present, while Jean discover that Beast has always been in love
with her.
The Battle of the Atom
The Future of the time displaced X-Men is decided in
this interesting X-over, that set the stage for the X-verse up till the secret
Heroes: X-Men: Past, present (Wolverine's and
Cyclops's teams) and future
Antagonist: SHIELD
Villains: New future Brotherhood, Sentinels, Animax,
and Dark Beast in the shadows
Sporting Cast:
Issue Summary:
X-Men Battle of the Atom 1: The young X-Men
set out to stop a new young mutant Animax, who has gone on a rampage,
when Sentinels arrive to take them all down, the Cyclops and his X-men to help
the young X-men who were on the rope battling the sents when young Cyclops is
almost killed almost destroying the time line, leading the X-men to decide to send the young X-Men back, but when they
try a group of X-men from the future arrive.
All-New X-Men 16: The future X-Men that have
arrived, have back in time to assure that the Young X-men from the past
actually go back to their time, but young Jean goes A-wall with young Cyclops.
We discover that Xorn on the Future X-Men team is actually Jean Grey.
X-Men 5: Jean and Cyclops are on the run with
Wolverine X-Men and the Future X-Men hot on their tales, but Rachel Grey with
Kitty help them escape seeking refuge with Cyclops's X-Men.
Uncanny X-Men 12: Maria Hill flips out when she
discovers the X-Men have been meddling with the time stream again, while Woly's
team with the future X-Men encounter Cyclops's team, and things go south when
Xorn/Jean is confronted by the White Queen.
Wolverine and the X-Men 36: Magik senses something
wrong with the future X-Men and heads to the future with the young Beast, where
they discover that the future X-Men are fakes, they are the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the real future X-Men travel back in time
with Magik to stop them.
All-New X-Men 17:
Some terrible event in the future divides the X-Men into two warring
X-Men 6: The Brotherhood blow their cover knowing
that the future X-Men will arrive and attack Wolverine X-Men and take over the
X Mansion.
Uncanny X-Men 13: Cyclops's team teams up with the real
futureX-men to stop the Brotherhood from sending the young X-Men back in time.
But lucky for the young X-Men Beast time machine doesn't work, they can't be
ported back
Wolverine and the X-Men 37: Both Cyclops's and
Wolverine team set there rivalries aside to join forces with the Future X-Men
to free the Young X-Men from the Brotherhood who have taken their captives to
Cape Citadel.
X-Men Battle of the Atom 2: All of the X-teams set
out to stop the Brotherhood when Shield arrive and surprisingly attack every
one deploying Sentinels (Note Maria Hill actually loses control of the
Hellicarrier someone has hacked into the system). The Young X-Men confront
Xorn, but she dies thanks to her powers overloading and burning her out, the
rest of the Brotherhood makes a run for it.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Time displaced X-Men join
Cyclops's team.
Kitty joins Cyclops
Sentinel will keep on coming,
we discover later that it's the Dark Beast behind the attacks.
It seems Iceman is much more
powerful than imagined, he can create sentient Ice beings, like the Ice Hulk.
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The Future Brotherhood will
stick around.
Cyclops declare war on Shield.
Magik has time travel powers.
Storm has a daughter with a pet
Black Pather from the future
The Bad:
More mystic kids, when did she have the time.
The Good:
Introduction of some cool X character.
Give the X-titles that needed direction.
All-New X-Men 20-21: The young X-men battle the Purifiers, who had
been hunting X-23 and defeat them.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
X-23 joins the New X-men
Rating: 6
Uncanny X-Men 4: Cyclops forms his new team of new
mutants, Bejamin Deeds (empathic shape shifter), Fabio Medina/Gold Balls (gold
ball blast), Tempus (time shifting) and Christopher Muse ( another mutant
healer, ¿why?).
Uncanny X-Men 5: Dormammu captures and tries to
possesses Majik and take over limbo.
Uncanny X-Men 6: Cyclops and his team head to limbo to
battle and stop Dormammu, while Maria Hill take Dazzler as a new Agent of
Shield to moniter the X-Men.
Uncanny X-Men 7: Cyclops team stops Dormammu, and we
discover that Majik starts to time travel to study with Doc., Strange to
perfect her Majik skills.
Uncanny X-men 8: Cyclops recruits Hijack, while we learn that
Cyclops and his older team members powers are broken not working as they should
Uncanny X-Men 9: Dazzler and Shield takes Goldballs for questioning,
when he's saved by Cyclops's crew, and Dazzler is replaced with Mystic going
undercover and she's going to put Shield super against the X-Men.
Uncanny X-Men 17: Scott Summer sends new recruits to Tabula Rasa to further
training, when they are confronted by the Avengers but are pulled out at the nick
of time.
Repercussions and Lasting
effects: Hijack is kicked off the team.
Rating: 6
Uncanny X-men 18: Kitty confronts Cyclops over the death of Xavier.
Rating: 6
Uncanny X-Force 27: Mystic is out to take Fantomex, he
gets away and seeks to rescue Psylocke by sacrafing himself to save Betsy, and ends up getting killed by the Skinless
man. When X-Force returns to their base they discover Ultimaton is on full kill
mutant mode because Fantomex is gone and blows up the base.
Lasting Effects:
With Fantomex's death make Eva evolve into a humanoid form.
Gateway is killed.
Uncanny X-Force 28-29: As Gateways last action he
saves X-Force porting them to a distopic future that will be born if the Team
messes up with their mission.
Daken has created the ultimate Brother Hood to destroy
his father and totally break X-Force
Heroes: X-Force, Kid Apocalypse
Antagonist: Nightcrawler
Villains: Daken,
Sabertooth, Mystic, Shadow King, Omega Clan, Skinless man, AOA Blob
Sporting Cast: X-Men, Deathlok
Issue Summary:
30 Sabertooth and Daken try to break Apocalypse
kid, showing him that his life was a lie
and that X-Force is responsible, for many screwed up they have keep secret from
31 X-Force arrive to rescue Evan.
32 X-Force gets clobbered by the Brotherhood, and Wolvy
gets betrayed by Nightcrawler who sides with his mom Mystic.
33-34 Daken pushs Logan too far and Wolvy end up
kill him, while the rest of X-Force take care of the other members of the
35 The team disbands
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Wolverine actually kills Daken
and the will spill over in to Uncanny Avengers, because his son will become a
Horseman of the Apocalypse Twins.
Aoa Blob is killed
Apocalypse kid end up living
with Wade
Fantomex is back but as three
New individuals.
The Good:
Daken crew do all kinds of sick things to turn Kid
Apocalypse into villain but can't get
him to go to the dark side.
Holy cow Wolvy killed his own kid..
Daken and Tooth have an interesting relationship
Uncanny X-Men 19: X-Men are attacked by a horde of Sentinels.
Uncanny X-Men 20: Cyclops confront Maria Hill on what the hell is
happening with Shield and the Sentinel attacks.
Uncanny X-Men 21: Magneto finds out what has Mystic has been doing
to Dazzler harvesting MGH from her and he's pist, while Cyclops arrives to
X-mansion trying to find out who's responsible for the Sentinel attacks.
Uncanny X-Men 22: all hell breaks loose Shield hellicarriers, that
have been hacked and Sentinel attack the X-mansion, they discover the Dark
Beast is responsible for the chaos Cyclops and Beast stop him.
The Bad:
Cyclops and company had their
power messed up by Nano-Sentinels again!¿?¿!, not an after effect of the
Phoenix force, It’s the third time they use this idea in ten years WTF
Very anticlimactic final battle
for Dark Beast, it just one page and the whole reason that he does this is all
pretty weak, saying that he hated Cyclops and his agenda, but he actual never
really cross paths with him ever.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Beast seemingly died.
All-New X-Men 25: A horrible fill in issue
All-New X-Men 26: X-23 leaving the X-men gets ambushed the future
Brotherhood who are on their way to Attacks Cyclops's base.
The Good:
Older Scott has an Interesting
chat with Jean.
All-New X-Men 27-29: Xavier's Brotherhood attack Cyclops's secret base
and Xorn is one of them (note she had seemed to have died the last time they
crossed paths), the two teams battle, with every one turning on evil Xavier.
Issue Summary:
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
We learn more about the origins
of kid Xavier and Raze.
We learn that Evil Xavier and
Raze forced the other members of the Brotherhood to follow them back in time
and cuase all that trouble.
Most of the members of the
Brotherhood are sent back into the future exepte for Evil Xavier who is
imprisoned in a Shield facility.
Xorn was just an avatar of
All New X-Men 30: Angel starts a relationship with X-23, Jean has a
confromtation with Emma and Kitty and Starlord maintain their relation ship.
All-New X-Men 31-36: New X-men set out to recruit a new mutant that
accidently teleports them to the Ultimate Universe. Meet up with Miles morales and the Ultimate
X-men to recue Beast that has been captured by Doom
All-New X-Men 37: Emma trains Jean Grey in the use of her powers
battling Blob
The Last Will of Charles Xavier
Xavier’s Will has surfaced and this is the prelude to all kinds of trouble.
Heroes: Storm’s X-men, Cyclops’s X-men, Magneto,
Shield, Exodus, Headlock, Doctor Strange and Xavier
Antagonist: Matthew Malloy
Sporting Cast: She
Issue Summary:
Uncanny X-Men 23: Xavier’s will has surfaced and both
X-teams have to hear they mentors last wish’s, while a super powerful mutant
Matthew Malloy emerges.
Uncanny X-Men 24: Malloy confronted by Shield and
things go really bad.
Uncanny X-Men 25: In Xavier will he ask the X-men to
find Melloy and brain wash him and depower him, let him live in ignorance that
he’s a mutant, but Cyclops get pist because of Xavier’s hypocrisy and set out
to recruit Malloy.
Uncanny X-men 26: Shield tries to use Exodus and
Headlock to reach Mallow but he kills them, thing are getting bad.
Uncanny X-men 27-28: X-men try to trick Malloy and he
just destroys the Shield Hellicarrier and teleports the X-men away, but Scott
returns and ties to recruit him.
Uncanny X-Men 29: Magneto confronts Cyclops that he’s
going to far Malloy teleports him away, Majik travel to the past and retrieves
the eye of Agamotto from Doctor Strange to use it on Malloy when they are
killed by Shield.
Uncanny X-Men 30: Eva Bell travels to the past a talks
to Xavier and convinces him to go to the past and stop Malloy’s parents from
meeting and stop him from being born.
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Because of what happened with
Mystic, Dazzler sort of goes crazy and goes with a dark hardcore look.
Hijack rejoins Cyclop’s X-men.
Exodus and Headlock are killed
Scott is the heir to the School
The Bad:
It’s part of the Original Sin
crossover but it doesn’t tie in to the main story at all
The Good:
It interesting how Cyclops
handles the whole situation so poorly, by judging Xavier for depowering this
mutant, it makes for a good story.
It’s great to see Wolvy not
blowing his top and keeping cool
Rating: 09
X-Factor 246: A day in the life of Pip Troll, as a member
of X-Factor, and he gets shot in the head at the end.
Rating: 7
X-Factor 247:
Jamie and Layla battle the zombie of General Lee from the civil War on
their honeymoon.
X-Factor 248-249: Pip saves himself and he transfers his
mind into M’s body, till his own body can recuperate from the gun shot wound in the head, X-Factor investigates
who tried to kill Pip and they find themselves knee deep in demons. It was some type of trap to get the entire
X-Factor team in one place to get rid of them, so they don't get in the way in the Hell on Earth War.
Rating: 7
Hell on Earth War 250-256

Heroes: X-Factor, Tier, Avengers, Fantastic Four
Antagonist: Darwin, Jezebel and Strong Guy.
Villains: Mephisto, Hela, Satannish, Pluto, Satana, and Asmodeo
Issue Summary:
250 Darwin is still trying to kill Tier in order to
stop the Hell war, but Wolfsbane saves her child in the nick of time. Jezebel
and Strong Guy join in trying to kill the kid.
251 The Hell Lords start the hunt to kill Tier.
252 X-Factor battles Pluto to defend Tier, but Tier
rips Pluto apart. Hell Lords start battling amongst themselves. Mephisto kidnappes
Multiple Man and turns him into a demon.
253 X-Factor battles Satana.
254 Mephisto battle and defeats Satannish and Hela.
While most of earths heroes are fighting off the demon hordes.
255 Strong Guy accidentally kills M, while Mephisto
has taken out most of his competition.
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256 X-Factor battle Mephisto, but in a surprise
turn of the events, Strong Guy kills Tier and become the lord of the Hell
Repercussions and Lasting effects:
Strong Guy becomes the lord of
Multiple man is converted into
a Demon
Shatterstar and Rictor are seemingly
Tier is killed by Strong Guy.
Last X-Factor Story arc.
Monet is brought back from the
dead by Strong Guy
The Bad:
Pip is gone, probably because he looks too much
like poor Tier and because of what he did in the previous story arc.
The Good:
Strong Guy does some screwed up stuff to become the
hell Lord, but he does it to save Monet.
Lots of action
X-Factor goes out with a bang.
Rating: 9
Utopians |
All New X-men 40-41: The young X-men head to Utopia to battle a
group of renegade mutants called the Utopians ( Masque, Random, Elixir, Boom
Boom, Karma and Madison Jeffries). Not a very interesting story.
Lasting Repercussions:
Before heading to battle it
revealed that that young Iceman is gay.
Uncanny X-Men 32: Havok has arrived to Cyclops's base, which he has
disbanded his X team.
Lasting Repercussions:
Cyclops totally end his
relationship with Emma Frost.
The Bad:
Wasn't Havok totally evil in
the Aftermath of the Axis.
Uncanny X-Men 33: Kitty and Magik head to monster Island to save a
young mutant.
Uncanny X-Men 34: Dazzler takes vengeance on Mystic.
Uncanny X-Men 35: Cyclops ex mutant trainees after an accident head
to Jean Grey's school for mutants